Leading them to Safety

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Hela marched toward the mountain with Skurge and her Butcher's at her back. Once they had reached the secret entrance, she smiled maniacally. "The Bifrost Sword is in there," she shouted. "Along with the last vestiges of resistance!" She turned to her Butchers. "When I tear the mountain open, leave none standing!"

The Butchers raised their weapons and gave one long, terrifying battle cry. The lust for blood made Skurge's mouth go dry and his legs tremble. He looked from the smooth surface of the side of the mountain and back to Hela. She raised her hands and fired tremendous black lances at the mountain. They embedded themselves into the hard surface and, at Hela's mental command, began to vibrate.

Slurge winced at the sound of the mountain cracking and crumbling before them. Any moment now, the one-sided fight would take place. As the mountainside crumbled, producing an avalanche. As the rocks tumbled away and fell into the ravine that separated Hela and her troops from the secret entrance, A tall pair of doors were revealed beneath the surface of the mountain. Jarred by the destruction, the doors fell forward, crashing onto the other side of the ravine and creating a bridge for them to cross.

"Now," Hela said as she advanced. "To get that sword back."

The dust settled as they walked through the entrance, and the sight that greeted them elicited an intense rage within Hela.

The dwelling was empty. There wasn't a soul there. She spun around, her face forming a horrific snarl. "They're going to the Bifrost. Go and cut them off! Now!"

Before another word could be spoken, the sound of something banging seized Hela's attention. It was deep and resonant, carrying across Asgard like a gong.

 "Gungnir?" she whispered, irritated. "Who would be foolish enough to wield Odin's spear but...one of them."

"Your Majesty?" Skurge asked.

"Take Fenris and the troops with you. A fool at the palace requires my attention."

"Excellent work, Lockjaw," Dean complimented as he scratched the big dog's ears. Lockjaw had just teleported the entirety of the hiding place, albeit in multiple trips and only across the span of the forest.

"Your dog is impressive," Heimdall said before turning to the Asgardians. "We must keep moving!"

"Lockjaw, rest your powers," Dean said. "We're close to the Bifrost now."

As they ran from the forest and stepped onto the Bifrost itself, Dean felt the hope of the people around him. He couldn't fail them. Wouldn't fail them. Overhead, the Commodore flew into position and Dean smiled at the sight of 142, decked out in her Valkyrie armor. She held the Asgardian blaster at the ready, her gaze fierce.

"We can't stop," Heimdall urged as he continued to run forward into the thickening fog.

A terrible howl pierced the air and everyone came to a halt. Heimdall and Dean stood at the front of the group, prepared to face whatever stood in their way. Dean's body gleamed and Heimdall raised his sword as the towering figure of Fenris stepped out of the mist. 

"Hela's sent him to guard your Spire. To keep us from leaving," Dean remarked.

"Fenris," Heimdall said. "He is Hela's war wolf. Ravenous and bloodthirsty."

Dean looked at the watcher and smiled, his eyes glowing. "I'm not afraid."

Heimdall nodded. "It will be an honor to fight alongside you." He turned to the Asgardians behind them, beckoning them to get back.

The Bifrost suddenly erupted with the battle cries of the dead as Skurge and an army of Butchers approached from the rear, cutting the Asgardians off from fleeing Fenris.

"Heimdall," Skruge shouted. "The sword. Surrender it now."

"Pry it from my dead fingers, traitor!" Heimdall roared before raising his sword.

Gunfire exploded from the Commodore and Dean watched as 142 targeted Fenris. Gunfire slammed into the wolf's hide but it continued to move forward, only slightly hindered by the attack.

"This beast won't die!" 142 shouted as she kept up the attack.

Banner stood up and moved away from the flight controls after engaging the autopilot features, parking the craft. He let out a sight and walked over to her. "Everything's going to be okay," he assured her, having realized what he had to do.

"What the hell are you talking?"

Banner smiled. "You're about to see the big guy again," he announced before flinging himself from the ship.

Dean had taken flight in the midst of the clash with the Butcher's and was raining light blasts upon the incoming enemies when he spied the figure of Bruce falling from the ship. "Come out and play, Hulk," he murmured excitedly before burning a hole through a large, ax-wielding Butcher.

But the transformation didn't happen. Bruce fell to the Bifrost, his body smacking against its surface. No sign of the Hulk.

"Oh, no," Dean groaned as Fenris closed in on Bruce's fallen figure and gave it a curious sniff before turning his rage back on his prey.

142 fired upon him again as he moved closer and Dean spun around, preparing to take on the mythical creature when it suddenly yelped in surprise. A smile formed on Dean's lips as he watched the Hulk stand to his feet, his big hands gripping the wolf by its tail.

"Hulk is taking care of Fenris," Dean reported as he flew down to Heimdall's side. "Let's focus on these," he shouted as he ran forward and dropped to his knees, sliding forward on them as he waved his hands in a horizontal arc. Lances of light ripped through the Butcher's as he slid forward, cutting them in half.

Behind them, Hulk was grappling with Fenris, laying blow after blow upon him as they tumbled and rolled over the side of the bridge and into the waters below.

Out of ammunition now, 142 piloted the Commodore closer to the Bifrost and leaped from it, Dragon Fang in hand. Heimdall spun, cleaving multiple enemies with the sword before his surprised eyes found 142. She smiled at he watcher before leaping into the fight alongside him, Dean and Lockjaw.

"This is quite a moment," Heimdall shouted as he raged against the enemies, defending the huddling Asgardians. "Having you fight alongside us."

142 grinned before running her blade through a Butcher and throwing him overhead and into the water. Lockjaw leaped from beside her, knocking several Butchers down before capturing one between his teeth. He flung the enemy about, batting several more off of the bridge before tossing him behind them.

"We're going to do this," Dean spoke hopefully as the hordes thinned around them.

A man clung to his hand suddenly, halting him. "Please! There are still people in the city."

"He's right," Heimdall said. "There are people I was not able to secure."

Dean nodded. "I'll go and get them."

"Be careful," 142 shouted.

"You too, 142," Dean said as he floated upward.

"No," she said. "Not 142. I'm Brunnhilde- the last Valkyrie!" she roared as she threw herself further into battle as more Butchers suddenly rushed the bridge.

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