The King's Chambers (NSFW)

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A freshly-showered Dean was in Thor's arms before the doors to his chambers had even slid shut. Thor chuckled at his eagerness as Dean's mouth was upon his. His hands simultaneously began to unbuckle the clasps on his chest piece.

"Are you eager again, Fair One? Even after I've had you twice already?" Thor asked as he scooped Dean up and placed a firm grip on his ass as the mortal wrapped his legs around his waist.

"You know I am," Dean sighed as he tore the chest piece free and was rewarded with the sight of Thor's skin. "Now get naked."

The armor fell to the floor and Thor gave it a little kick away. Dean sighed lustfully as he caressed the big chest and Thor moved closer to the bed.

"So beautiful," Thor moaned as he set Dean down on his feet and slowly danced his fingers along Dean's smooth, lean chest and abdomen. "Mine," he growled as he leaned in and gently bit and sucked at Dean's neck, marking him.

"Yours," Dean confirmed. "All yours." He unbuckled the belt at Thor's waist and it fell to the floor as Thor slid his fingers into the towel wrapped around Dean. Thor gently turned him around so he could watch as the towel slid down from his trim waist.

"By Valhalla," Thor groaned as two perfect mounds of muscled ass were revealed to him. He swiftly attacked them, filling both palms with the hot flesh. Dean reach behind him and held onto Thor's neck as he leaned back and the god continued to fondle his ass. "All of this cake and it's not even my birthday," he growled into Dean's ear.

"You're ridiculous. Did I ever tell you that?" Dean chuckled, looking over his shoulder at his captivated lover.

"It's your fault," Thor reasoned. "There should be epic poems written about your ass. Temples built in its honor. I could worship your ass all night," Thor said as he kissed along Dean's neck.

"I hope you plan on doing more than that." Dean moved his hands down and behind him, reaching for Thor's pants. He struggled to unfasten them and whimpered in frustration.

"Oh, I have many plans for your ass." He paused and chuckled at Dean's attempt at undoing his pants. "Allow me," he offered. Thor opened his pants and Dean felt the heavy cock fill his hand. He turned around to face Thor and stared down at his dick. "Is that what you wanted?" Thor asked.

Dean responded by lowering himself to his knees and taking Thor into his mouth. Thor let out a contented sigh as Dean began to bob up and down.

"So good, Fair One. So good." He reached down and softly ran his fingers through his hair. He took Dean's head in his hands and began to gently thrust into his mouth. "Yes," he groaned. "Throat your king's cock."

Dean reached out and held onto Thor's hips as the Asgardian face fucked him. He focused on his breathing so that he could withstand the generous cock as it ravaged his throat. Thor gradually picked up the pace, his heavy balls slapping Dean's drool-slick chin. A gagging spell suddenly overtook him and he had to pull off of Thor.

"Breathe," Thor beckoned as he gently wiped the tears from Dean's eyes while the mortal recovered. Dean panted as Thor traced his lips with the head of his cock. Dean opened his mouth and Thor smacked it against his tongue. "You service your king well."

Dean raised an eyebrow and smirked. "And what else does my king wish of me?"

Thor narrowed his eyes in thought. "As the Royal Consort, your king will have many demands of you, Fair One."

"Name them and I might accommodate them," Dean spoke in a feisty tone.

"I demand that you always be naked and ready to take my cock at a moment's notice, for starters," Thor chuckled as he picked Dean up and laid him down on the bed. "I will also require that you remind me of my might often."

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