Sky Fight

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Thor forced himself to ignore the urge to go back for Loki, to believe in him. Loki's past behaviors seemed to have poisoned his mind. The cycle of trust and betrayal was too much for him. He shoved that small sliver of hope back into the recesses of his mind and focused on the plan. Procuring the Commodore was only one part of it. The rest involved 142 releasing every prisoner on Sakaar and securing Dean, Bruce and Lockjaw on her ship.

Dean was safe. Or he would be soon. He consoled his turmoil over Loki by thinking these thoughts. Seeing Dean on Sakaar had unleashed so much dread within him. It was the last thing he had expected when he'd stepped out into the arena. Of course the Hulk was an unexpected sight as well.

It had been a stroke of luck securing the help of a Valkyrie and Bruce and freeing Dean. He hoped that luck would not fail him as he took a seat in the cockpit. "All right, I can figure this out. It's just another spaceship," Thor said to himself as he surveyed the controls. He tapped a button on the console and the large hangar doors opened up. Blaring alarms rang out and a computerized voice warned that an unauthorized departure was in occurrence. Ignoring them, Thor pushed forward on the throttle and the Commodore shot out of the hangar.

"Loyal Sakaarians, that delicious Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarians, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet. Furthermore, Sparkle Boy and his overgrown dog have assaulted me, which is a capitol offense! Hunt them down!"

Thor grinned as several palace patrol ships gave chase. Before the crafts could lock on him, a stream of projectiles shot out from overhead, decimating the ships. Thor looked up and watched as 142 piloted her aircraft overhead and continued to rain fire upon incoming crafts.

Dean sat up as consciousness returned to him. Lockjaw gave his cheek an enthusiastic lick. Dean turned to the dog. "What's going on? Where are we?"

Lockjaw huffed and shook his butt excitedly.

"We're escaping? Where's Thor? And why did the Grandmaster just call him 'delicious'?"

As Lockjaw projected the story to him, Dean's face cracked into a smile. Then a familiar voice could be heard straight ahead in the cockpit of the aircraft. He smiled and jumped to his feet.

"Nice shot!" Bruce complimented 142 as she continued to assail Thor's pursuers, drawing some of their aggro to her.

"Thanks," she shouted. "You said your name but I forgot. I know it starts with a B."

"Which stands for 'back on his bullshit'," Dean called out as he entered the cockpit.

Bruce spun around and smiled so broadly it cracked Dean's heart. He'd missed his friend so much.

"Dean!" Bruce shouted cheerily. "How are you? And why are you dressed like that?"

Dean took a seat nearby. "It's a really long story."

142 spared a glance at him. "So you must be Thor's fiance? I take it you're either the most patient and understanding being in the nine realms, or a glutton for punishment."

Dean laughed out loud and decided he liked 142 immediately. "Maybe a little of both," he said. "Where is he?"

Bruce pointed out of the windshield at a sleek, gold and red aircraft that flew about beneath them. "He's in there! The Grandmaster's party ship!"

142 flew up close to the Commodore and matched its speed as she flew above. "Open the doors!" she said to Thor over the radio. "I've got a special delivery." She looked over at Dean. "You and your dog better fasten your seat belts!"

Thor complied with 142's order and the overhead hatch of the Commodore slid open. Seeing this, she spun the aircraft upside-down and looked over at Bruce. "I hope that you're tougher than you look."

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