In Hiding

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"So, let me get this straight," the CIA agent said as he sat in the den of Jack and Rosie Allen's house. "You've not heard a word from your son since he disappeared?"

Jack took a drink from his coffee mug and leaned forward in his chair. He smiled diplomatically at the agent, maintaining the facade with perfect, practiced ease. "You'd be correct," he replied.

"He's not even tried to make contact with the two of you? His parents?"

Rosie clicked her tongue and moved to pour more coffee into the agent's mug. "Not at all," she said in a voice that seemed bored. "As you know, my husband and I are retired S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. We sacrificed for the security of the world. We raised our kids to respect authority and obey the law. We have always made it very clear how we feel about that. More cake?"

The agent declined despite the tempting offer of Rosie's chocolate on chocolate cake. "I don't want to take up anymore of your time. I appreciate the hospitality."

"Of course," Jack said as he stood up and walked with the agent toward the front door of the house while Rosie tidied up the coffee dishes.

"If you do hear anything from Dean, I hope you'll reach out," the agent requested.

Jack nodded his head. "Of course, sir. The CIA will be the first people we call. But, as you heard my wife say, Dean knows how we feel about this issue. He's not likely to pay us a visit anytime soon."

The agent bid them goodbye, got into his car and drove away from the large yellow house.

Once the agent had left, Jack and Rosie immediately walked back into the den. After ensuring that the coast was indeed clear, Jack pressed a button underneath the end table by his chair. A panel in the floor quickly lowered, revealing itself to be a ramp leading to an area beneath the house. Husband and wife walked down the ramp together and entered a large room that was filled with weapons, ammunition, and various other tools of the spy trade.

"Thanks for the cover," Dean said as he walked forward and hugged his parents.

"Son, I hope you know what you're doing," Rosie sighed.

"It's going to be alright, mom," Dean assured her.

Jack hugged his wife against him and looked down at his youngest son. "Dean, just promise me you won't take unnecessary chances. You're a wanted man now. The world's watching you."

Dean nodded solemnly. "I promise, dad. I'll be careful."

"What are you going to do?" Rosie asked. "You know you can lay low here as long as you need to."

Dean shook his head. "I can't. They may have bought everything you told them, but they'll be watching the house. Both of you. I can't put you at risk like that. It's enough of a risk that I came here in the first place."

Jack shook his head and stopped him from saying more. "Son, protecting you is never too much of a risk for us. It never has been and it never will be."

Dean pulled his parents in for a hug and the three of them stayed that way for a long time. As he stood with them, he reflected on how drastically his life had been altered on an almost regular basis since he'd become an Avenger. Meeting and falling in love with Thor, fending off an invasion in New York, stopping Ultron's plans in Sokovia, and finding out he was a super powered Inhuman and prince of his people. So many things had happened, and these were merely the highlights. Though he wouldn't trade it for a minute, there were definitely plenty of times he would have appreciated some stability.

"It is kind of exciting though," Rosie finally confessed as she stepped back and ran a hand through Dean's short blond hair. "I haven't done anything like this since retirement. The only thing missing is a good fight."

Dean laughed. Rosie had been renowned at S.H.I.E.L.D. for her fighting abilities. There were stories that still circulated about her exploits. Rosie liked to say that in her heyday she could have given Black Widow a run for her money.

"Garden Snake here was quite the fighter back in her day," Jack teased.

Rosie scowled playfully. "Excuse me, but the code name is Tiger Snake." She paused and smiled. "But I guess I am more of a garden snake these days, aren't I?"

Dean shook his head. "Okay, well if Tiger Snake and Raptor would be so kind as to show me where they keep the passports..."

Rosie and Jack took Dean deeper into their inner sanctum and the three of them began to craft fake credentials for him. Jack showed him all of the props for disguises- wigs, contact lenses, glasses, prostheses. As Dean filled a duffel bag with these, he absently rubbed a hand over his newly-grown beard. It brought a grin to his face just thinking about how Thor would react when he saw it. He looked up from his work and stared at the nearby mirror. The blond beard was thick and full, much to his surprise. He'd always been clean-shaven and never really imagined he would be able to grow such a beard.

"The beard looks good," Jack complimented. "Makes you look dangerous."

Dean chuckled. "Hopefully it helps me blend in. I won't be flying to Antarctica the way I'd like to. I can't risk being spotted."

Rosie, meanwhile, was packing a bag full of cold weather clothing. "Make sure you wear everything I packed for you," she reminded him. "Frost bite is the last thing you need."

Dean accepted the bag from her and slipped it over his shoulder. He looked at his parents and flashed a winning smile. Rosie smiled but there were tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, mom," Dean sighed as he stepped up and hugged her again.

"I know you're more than capable of handling yourself. I know. It's just...a mother can't help but worry, that's all."

"He'll be fine, Rosie," Jack said as he looked Dean in the eye and winked. "He's got this."

Dean gave Jack another hug and then stepped back from them. "Alright," he said in a resigned voice. "How do I get out of here?"

"There's an underground tunnel that will take you out to a garage deep in the woods. There's a car inside. Here are the keys," he added as he handed a them to his son.

"Thank you," Dean said as he reached out for them. Jack closed his hands over Dean's and stared at him for a long time. "Son, I'm so proud of you."

Dean felt tears rising to the surface. His parents had said this to him on many occasions, but this one felt different. Deeper. This time his psychic empathy enabled him to actually feel their pride, worry, and love. "I never thought my parents would be proud to have a criminal for a son," he quipped to lighten the mood.

Jack shook his head. "You stood up for something. You didn't just lay down and accept things for what they were. You didn't let the pressure dampen your convictions." He reached out and held Dean by the back of his head, pulling him close so their foreheads were touching. "We're damn proud of you, son. Don't you ever forget it."

"I put some food in your pack," Rosie said in a strained voice. She was trying her best to keep it together. "Remember to earth, okay?"

"Thank you. I love you both, so much," Dean said as he gave them both one last hug.

The underground tunnel went on for a few miles, but Dean barely noticed the passage of time. He was lost in his thoughts, his plans. Antarctica was the sight of one of the caves where the Inhumans had left behind Terrigen Crystals. During Prince Acrimon's visit to earth, he and his team had been directed to retrieve the Terrigen Crystals and return them to Atillan. In the aftermath, Dean had learned that a crystal had been left behind per the orders of King Blackagar and Queen Medusa. Terrigen Crystals we're the catalyst for Inhuman development as well as a means of communication and surveillance. In the event that Dean, being a prince of the Inhumans, should need them, he only needed to go to the crystal.

"Alright," he whispered to himself as he finally reached the ladder that would take him up into the garage. "Go to the cave, use the crystal, and have Lockjaw take me to Asgard. Simple enough."

But life, as he knew and would find to be true once more, is never that simple.

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