A Strange Encounter

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Upon their arrival on Midgard, Loki crafted disguises for himself and Thor using his magic. Thor's armor and cape were replaced by a pair of blue jeans and layers of a t-shirt, hoodie and blue jean jacket. His long blond hair was pulled into a messy ponytail, with strands and braids hanging loosely, framing his face. Mjolnir had been transformed into an umbrella.

"It's just this way," Loki, who was dressed in an all black suit, grumbled as he stalked out of the alley they'd been transported to and into the bustling streets of New York.

"You sent our father to New York," Thor sighed with annoyance.

"Your father," Loki corrected him as he spun around and raised a finger. "Not mine."

Thor ignored Loki's remark and walked alongside him as he hurried through the streets. Passersby moved to get out of the way, put off by Loki's sullen countenance. "He was never my father, and I do so wish you would stop insisting on calling him that."

Thor knew the truth of Loki's parentage, but he also knew that family wasn't simply the sharing of blood. The Avengers had taught him that much. "Let's just find him, alright?" he finally said.

Loki led him across several streets until they came upon a street corner where they promptly stood and stared in shock. The building Loki had taken them to was a mere pile of rubble, having been recently demolished. A sign lay in a heap of rubble, identifying it as a retirement home.

"Loki," Thor spoke in a threatening voice.

Loki spun around and flailed his arms in frustration. "I swear, I left him right here!"

Thor raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you did, did you? Just right here? On the sidewalk? Or perhaps in that building that's being demolished? I thought you were good at making plans."

"How was I supposed to know? It's not as if I see into the future. I'm not a witch."

Thor shrugged his shoulders. "You could fool me. You certainly dress like one." His mood suddenly changed from frustration to something of sadness. "I can't believe you're really alive. I watched you die, Loki. I mourned you. Cried."

"Well, I'm honored," Loki chuckled.

Thor suppressed the urge to put his fist through Loki's face. "Does all of that just mean nothing to you?"

Loki's response was cut off when a group of young girls approached them, giggling among themselves. Finally, one of them got up enough courage and walked up from her friends. She held her phone out, asking if she could have a picture with Thor.

Thor smiled politely. "Sure."

Loki rolled his eyes and made a display of being unimpressed with Thor's celebrity status on Midgard.

"I recognized you even out of your armor," one of the girls gushed as all of them suddenly piled up near him.

Loki shook his head. "Ah, you do love to be adored by these peasants, don't you?"

Thor scowled at his brother before flashing a smile for the camera.

"I'm really sorry to hear about Lumen," one of the girls offered. "I hope he's okay."

Thor scowled. "Lumen?"

"Dean Allen," another girl explained. "It's been all over the news. He's in huge trouble. He's wanted."

"Fair One, what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time," Thor muttered. This thought was immediately accompanied with guilt for not being with him.

As the girls walked away, Loki approached him. "Trouble with your Fair One?" he asked mockingly. His mockery turned into confusion as a ring of golden, sparkling energy suddenly began to swirl around his feet.

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