False Victory

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Thanos stood at the window of his ship and stared at the clouds of debris. Where Asgard had once been, there was nothing.

"Sire, if the Tesseract was on Asgard," Corvus Glaive began.

Thanos sighed. "Yes, I know. Our only hope would be to find the Time Stone to undo the loss."

"But we would have to locate the Time Stone first," Proxima Midnight added.

"Loki wouldn't let such a powerful prize slip through his fingers," Thanos spoke decisively.

"Loki has proven disappointing before," Ebony Maw announced.

Thanos felt real rage gripping him. After having waited for the proper moment to strike, it would appear as if one of the essential tools he needed- an Infinity Stone- could have been lost. The urge to throttle something took him and was interrupted only when Fatality Eclipse entered the room.

"Sire, there's a ship not far from here. Heat signatures show hundreds of life forms on board."

Thanos scowled. "Hundreds?" He smiled. The Asgardians. In an instant he knew. Loki must be on that ship. And if he was, the Tesseract would be in his possession. He knew what a treasure it was. There was no way he would allow it to be destroyed.

"Sire?" Fatality Eclipse asked, spying Thanos's expression of realization.

"Follow the ship," Thanos commanded. "And take it."

"Thor?" Dean mumbled when Thor had risen from the bed. He rolled onto his stomach, hugging the pillow against him.

"You're supposed to be sleeping," Thor spoke softly as he knelt beside him and rubbed a hand up and down his back.

"Are we there?"

Thor smiled at the sleepiness in Dean's voice. "Not yet, Fair One."

Thor stayed and continued to gently rub Dean's back until he drifted off to sleep again. After Dean had been asleep for some time, Thor dressed in his armor and walked out into the ship. He found Loki standing before a window, staring into the vastness of space. "Brother," he said as he approached and stood beside him.

Loki looked over at him and smiled. "I know you plan on going to earth. And, being that you have such a good relationship with them, I'm sure it's a good idea for you and the others."


"Do you suppose it's a good idea for me to go back after everything?"

Thor shrugged his shoulders. "It probably isn't. But with Dean and I pleading your case they'll welcome you eventually."

Loki looked at his brother, his expression earnest. This was a new look for him. "Are you sure?"

Thor put a hand on Loki's shoulder and squeezed it. "Trust me, brother. I have a feeling that everything is going to work out..."

A shadow suddenly began to slowly engulf them. Both brothers turned their gazes to the window again and watched with mounting dread as a gigantic spacecraft moved before their ship, dwarfing with ease.

Loki stared at the ship, concern etching his face. He knew the ship. Knew who was onboard. They came for the Tesseract. He looked over at Thor and felt real guilt hit him harder than he'd ever felt it hit before in his long life.

What have I done? I've damned us all.

Lumen and Thor's adventures will continue in Avengers: Destiny Arrives.

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