A Beacon of Hope

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Dean flew into the center of the city, just beyond the palace. He spared a glance at the large building, searching the windows of the throne room for a sign of Thor. He spied him trading blows with Hela before directing his attention to the streets below. The smoke here was denser, covering everything and decimating visibility. He flew low, penetrating the layer of smoke and nearly collided with a small army of Butchers that was rushing down through the marketplace. Their arms were drawn and their shrieking death cries bounced off of the wreckage of the city. Dean could have followed them by sound alone. He dropped lower and, knowing they would lead him to the people he was intended to save, followed the creatures. As they closed in on a group of Asgardians huddled beneath a bridge.

"No!" A collection of voices screamed as the Butchers closed in on them.

Dean landed just behind them and raised his hands. His palms glowed and a luminous cone of light splashed out over the soldiers as they were closing in. The blast stunned and threw them to the ground. Some of the warriors recovered, stood up, and spun around to face him.

"I don't know what hole you fucks crawled out of, but I'm sending you back," Dean growled as the enemies moved in on him.

The largest of the remaining creatures launched itself at him first, slashing its sword in his direction. Dean raised an arm, a small barrier of light appearing between his forearm and the blade. With his other hand, he took aim at a leaner, spindly soldier, striking it in the stomach and throwing it across the flagstones. Pivoting, he hit the enemy he had shielded himself from, popping it into the air. It landed on its stomach and Dean threw a leg up, kicking it in the chin as it tried to stand.

A spear bearer charged from the side and Dean teleported behind him just as the tip of the spear was slicing where he'd just stood. He grabbed the spear handle with one hand, blasting the enemy with the other. The spear loosened from its grasp and Dean ducked, simultaneously sweeping the spear and catching the spear bearer's legs, cutting through them. When the final, large enemy rose to its feet, Dean shoved the spear into his chest.

"Don't worry," Dean said as he moved in front of the frightened Asgardians while another squad ran to intercept them. He spun around to face the remaining butchers as they closed in. "I'm here to help."

"Who are you?" one of them, a little girl with blood spray on her face and clothes, asked.

Dean raised his hands and a wall of light solidified in front of him. The Butcher's collided with the barrier, their weapons bashing into it. Dean flexed his mind and the photons scattered, showering the remaining Butchers and blasting them to hell.

"I'm Lumen," he announced as he turned to face the people.

The little girl looked up at him, her eyes tired and sad. Emotional pain blossomed from her. Dean took a knee in front of her. "What's your name?" He asked.


"Astrid," Dean repeated. "Can you be brave for me?"

The girl nodded her head.

Dean stood and addressed the entire group. "I've come to take you to safety. Follow me."

"It's too dark to see," a woman cried.

Dean smiled. "Don't worry. I'll take care of that. "

Dean's body flew up into the sky among the thick clouds of smoke. He looked down at the hopeful faces of the Asgardians and smiled before reaching within himself and projecting a shining aura. The light burst out of him, illuminating the sky like a gently-glowing star. In the wake of the burst of light, the clouds of smoke were swept aside obliterated by the indomitable force of Dean's power. The streets became clear again, Dean's powerful aura casting light on the way to safety.

The Asgardians regarded him with absolute awe, their hearts renewed with the belief that they would be safe. So much had gone wrong for them since Hela's arrival. So many lives were lost in the wake of her cruelty. It had become hard for any of them to believe that there was an end to their torment. Then, like an angel descended from the heavens, Dean came to them to show them the way.

Only one person among them didn't exude even a shred of hope. Astrid. As Dean hovered in the sky, illuminating the path to the Bifrost, he swore to himself that he would help Astrid feel safe again. He would help her feel hope again.

"Look! It's an angel, mom," a boy said as he took a few shy steps forward and pointed at Dean's gleaming body.

The boy's mother walked up and laid a hand on her son's shoulder. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she stared up at Dean. "Yes...it is."

"Follow me," Dean softly commanded as he floated closer to the ground. "I'm getting you all out of here."

As he flew ahead, navigating the people onto the Bifrost, the sight of a massive ship approaching filled the sky. The Asgardians, Brunhilde, Lockjaw and Heimdall stood away from it and watched it fearfully. Then, the figure of Loki himself emerged from the ramp and jumped to the Bifrost.

"Your savior is here!" Loki shouted as he pushed through the crowds, directing them to get onto the large ship. Behind him, several of the gladiators from Sakaar followed, ready to provide their support as even more of Hela's Butchers ran for the Bifrost.

As Dean prepared to fight once more, his eyes darted to the water where Hulk was locked in combat with Fenris. The giant wolf was a match for Hulk, but Hulk's anger was explosive. And it was only increasing. Dean smiled, knowing this was the key to his strength.

"Did you miss me?" Loki asked as he moved up alongside them.

Dean smiled at him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Loki."

Loki smirked. "For what exactly?"

"For proving Thor right," Dean said. He let go of him and returned his focus to the fight that was approaching them. They had to keep the Butchers from getting through to the ship.

As the five of them prepared for another clash, the skies above grew dark and the threat of a storm announced itself. Dean smiled. It could only be one person.

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