Past Visions

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"Don't be so glum," Loki muttered as he sat on the opposite end of the narrow room.

Dean slid down the wall and into a sitting position, his attempt to think of a way out of the current situation at war with his annoyance at being trapped in a room with Loki. "I'm not glum," he retorted. "I'm thinking."

Loki sighed. "Well, don't harm yourself doing that."

Dean looked down at the entrance to their room. Noting that there was no door sealing them in, Dean thought better of attempting to leave. He approached it cautiously and took note of the panels that lined the wall. He was unfamiliar with Sakaarian tech, but he assumed there had to be some sort of containment system in place. A Sakaarian guard stood on the other side of the entrance, a remote held in his grasp. He smiled at Dean, waving the remote at him. Irritated, he went back to the end of the room to sit opposite Loki.

"I'd give anything to be able to blast that smile off of his face," Dean grunted.

"How distressing it must be for you, to have your powers temporarily taken from you by the obedience disc. At least I hope it's temporary for you sake."

Dean ignored his remark. "I didn't get a chance to ask earlier, what with the impending battle and all- why did you try to help me escape?"

Loki shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I suppose I was trying to help you because of Thor."

"But you don't care about him," Dean countered. "Hasn't that always been the case?"

Loki chuckled lightly and stood up. "Guilty as charged. But Thor is a useful oaf. Useful for fighting battles for me so long as I can steer him properly. And what better way to steer him than to dangle you before him."

Dean smiled at the emotions that drifted off of Loki as he spoke. They were in-congruent to his words, but Dean thought better of approaching this subject. It wasn't as if Loki was about to be truthful about his intentions anyway. "Always strategic," Dean sighed. "I don't suppose you've worked out some kind of strategy for getting us out of here?"

Loki began to pace, his face consumed with amusement. "It's funny- you all love to hate me until you need me to save your life or help you be free."

"I saved your life first," Dean reminded him. "And I could leave this prison if I wanted to."

"And yet, here you are- imprisoned and defenseless," Loki pointed out.

"There are opportunities everywhere," Dean challenged. "I just have to wait for one to present itself to me."

Loki grinned wickedly at Dean. "Well, I have a much better idea, Fair One."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

Loki moved closer and spoke very quietly, his eyes remaining on the distant guard who watched them from afar. When he finished speaking and sat back, Dean smiled. "Okay. I'm into it."

Loki stood up and approached the entrance. "I have a proposition for the Grandmaster," he said. When the guard stared at him with boredom he leaned closer and smiled."

"Sure you do," the guard sighed. "You'll say anything to get out of this cell."

Loki groaned. "Do you really want to be the one who let the Grandmaster down?"

The guard rolled his eyes. "Very well."

The Grandmaster paced back and forth in front of his throne, his golden robes flying violently. As he paced, he threw harsh glances upon his guards, then 142, who stood before him. He finally came to a stop, his fists clenched at his sides. "I'm angry."

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