An Angel Beyond the Dashboard

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As the fleet of fighter crafts faced the Commodore, 142 brought it to a halt and stared out at the row of enemies that formed a blockade. She turned to the others. "Well, that was a nice try, wasn't it?"

Thor shook his head. "No, there has to be something we can do-"

"Under the authority of the Grandmaster, you are ordered to descend and surrender," an authoritative voice barked at them from over the radio.

"Oh, this is bad!" Bruce sighed as he hid his face in his hands.

Thor was about to say something when a bright light suddenly shined from above, scattering shafts of radiance across the windshield of the Commodore. 142, Bruce and Thor all moved to get a closer look at what was happening and watched as Dean floated across the front of the Commodore, his body bathed in light. Lockjaw barked excitedly.

Thor's breath momentarily halted at the angelic sight before him. A smile played on his lips, despite the sudden nervousness he felt.

"Wait a minute," Bruce said, confused. "How is he doing that?"

"Long story," Thor said as he felt his pulse begin to race.

"He's...he's generating light from his body," Bruce said as he pointed at Dean. "Oh, wow!"

Dean hovered before the nose of the Commodore and did a quick headcount. Six enemies in total. He smiled tightly, then shot off across the space between them, his body appearing like a shooting star in broad daylight. The crafts sighted him and began to fire. He spun out and extended his arms, sending big photonic blasts at the nearest craft. The projectiles burned through the nose of the craft and it began to spin as the pilot attempted to regain his altitude.

"Target Sparkle Boy!" Thor heard one of the pilots shout over the speaker.

"Get us closer!" Thor shouted, eager to jump into battle.

But then something incredibly happened. While the crafts were unleashing their gunfire on Dean's location, he suddenly disappeared in an explosion of shimmering lights. Before Thor could voice his fears, Dean reconfigured right behind one of the crafts and promptly blew a hole through its engine.

"He's kicking all kinds of ass up there," 142 said as she leaned forward and watched.

"Yes," Thor said with a grin. "Well, he is my fiancé, after all. It's to be expected."

A stream of gunfire rang out toward Dean and he flew in a great big circle, his aura curving with him as he evaded gunfire, creating a stunning light show in his wake. Lances of light shot out from his palms and bore into the cockpit of another craft, burning the controls up and sending yet another bird to a watery grave.

"And I thought he was tough when he didn't have powers," Bruce commented.

Lockjaw barked wildy from behind them.

Dean continued to evade gunfire, his body moving gracefully through the sky, slicing through the air in an almost carefree fashion. He blazed with light, attacking like a vengeful angel with the radiant wrath of heaven. He flew in close, moving around one of the crafts so that he was between two of the remaining three. As the crafts turned to sight him, his body unleashed a big burst of blinding light. In the aftermath, the two crafts swerved, their pilots blinded, and they crashed into each other in a fiery explosion.

As debris rained down into the sea, the final craft hung back and took potshots at Dean from a distance. Dean again flew about, avoiding the gunfire before suddenly realigning himself and flying full-stop toward the craft. The enemy continued to fire on him and accelerated suddenly.

"He's deflecting it," 142 observed as a field of pure light shot up at Dean's hands. The projectiles bounced off of the force field as both parties moved to meet each other. Dean landed on the front of the aircraft and began to fire on the windshield. Glass melted and shattered and the pilot reached for the ejection mechanism, throwing himself out of the bird and up into the air. As he shot up, he activated his parachute, then reached for the gun at his hip and moved to take aim. Dean looked up and fired a beam of light at the parachute and the pilot was tirn across the sky, falling to the water beneath him.

"Dean took them out of play," Bruce sighed. "Now we can get into that anus!"

"Speaking of," Thor whispered as he looked at Dean's approaching figure, taking note of every curve of his body, drinking in the sight of his exposed skin. He smiled excitedly as he watched Dean fly over to the Commodore and disappear overhead. He made his way to the back ramp as 142 opened it. "I'll be right back," he announced before turning and running toward the back of the spacecraft.

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