Tending to the King

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As the ship flew away from the destruction, Dean reached out and touched Thor's cheeks and he gazed into dark space where his right eye had been. "Let's get this wound cleaned up."

Thor let himself be led to a seat in the makeshift infirmary where several other Asgardians were having their wounds tended. Dean asked for something to clean the wound up and was given some supplies. He wet a cloth and began to gently dab at the blood.

"Oh, Thor," Dean spoke as he fought back tears.

"It looks worse than it is," Thor reasoned. "Just a scratch."

"Just a scratch? Thor, you lost an eye," Dean gasped.

"I'm alright, Fair One. I promise," Thor declared as he reached out and laid his hands on Dean's, squeezing them gently. "Don't be sad."

Dean leaned forward and kissed Thor's cheek. "You don't have to be so mighty all the time, you know?"

Thor smiled boyishly. "How else would I impress you."

Dean shook his head. "I think you and I are well-beyond the needing to impress each other phase."

"I'm not so sure. If this Johnny Storm is trying to be your suitor..."

Dean rolled his eyes. "I should never have told you," he teased.

Thor chuckled, knowing that he had nothing to worry about. "Besides, I like to puff out my chest for you."

"It is a great chest."

"Perhaps you'll see it soon. If you tend to your king properly."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Oh, because I'm not already doing that?"

"Oh, you're doing a fine job," Thor assured him. "Though I would be more pleased if you were naked while you tended to me."

"Maybe if you behave yourself," Dean chastised.

Thor sat up a little straighter and took on a serious countenance. "I'll behave. I promise."

Dean rolled his eyes as he went to work continuing to clean Thor's wound. "I can't believe that bitch took your eye. She's lucky she's dead."

Thor laughed. "Indeed, Fair One."

"Does it hurt?"

"It smarts," Thor admitted. "But having my lover tend to me eases it." He looked around while Dean was rinsing the cloth. He took in the sight of his people, then stared at the other end of the room where those whose wounds claimed their lives were being tended to. A chill passed through him as he thought of the loss Hela had brought upon his people.

Dean smiled as he finished tidying up the wound before placing an eye guard over the empty socket. "There. You look like a pirate."

"A handsome one though, right?" Thor asked expectantly.

"The handsomest," Dean complimented as he kissed his lips. "Dashing."

Thor smiled. "I have missed you, Fair One. You have no idea how many times I thought about you on my journeys."

"Probably as much as I thought about you," Dean countered as he stood up.

"Should we go to my chambers now?" Thor suggested as he laid his hands on Deans's waist.

Dean put his hands on Thor's shoulders and smiled as that dizzy, lustful sensation spread from his core out to his body. "I think that's a good idea."

Before they could take their leave, the sound of a crying child suddenly swept over them. Dean looked around Thor's shoulder and spotted her. It was Astrid. Several people were walking back and forth, obscuring her, and for a moment he swore it was Samantha. His breathing hitched and his eyes suddenly welled with tears before his mind sorted out the tricks that were being played upon it.

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