A Good Boy

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When a squadron of guards entered the room, Dean pretended to be concerned. As two of them grabbed him by his arms and yanked him from the ground, he cried out and demanded to know where he was being taken.

"To the execution grounds," one of the guards grunted.

Okay, Dean. It's time for your Oscar-winning performance, he thought as he conjured up the best expression of terror he could muster. If he couldn't use his powers at the moment, he'd have to rely on his others skills. His eyes scanned the guards uniforms, searching for anything of use. His eyes alighted on their uniforms. Strips of thin, golden metal adorned the trim of their uniforms.


"Move!" a guard barked.

"No!" he cried out as he began to stumble, pretending that his legs were giving out.

"On your feet!" a guard ordered, yanking Dean hard enough to threaten dislocation.

Dean pitched forward, falling against the guard. As he did so, he reached for the edge of his uniform and plucked a strip of metal away. His movement was quick and unnoticed, and when the guard shoved him off, he fell to the floor and quickly hid the metal in his mouth.

"Enough of this! Move! Now!"

Dean hung his head to pretend to be downtrodden. But mostly to hide his smirk.

Lockjaw sat in the cramped cage, his large body barely fitting inside. The kennel was a dank, dimly-lit corridor lined with cages. Each cage housed various types of animals that had been collected for the Grandmaster. Lockjaw's sadness was compounded when he looked into the sad eyes of all the imprisoned creatures that surrounded him.

And he couldn't teleport. That was probably the most frustrating thing of all. He had always been able to teleport anywhere he wanted within the vast universe. Sure, he occasionally required a little rest when he used the power to move over greater distances. But he'd never simply not had the power at all.

"Did you hear?" one of the keepers said from some distance away.

Lockjaw huffed and attempted to get comfortable. He wasn't interested in anything the keepers had to say. He just wanted to find Dean and go back to Atillan.

"They're going to execute that one champion."

"Which one? Grandmaster has, like, a thousand or so."

"The one that glows."

Lockjaw's ears perked up. These people were going to harm the prince. His sad countenance slowly transformed into a snarl. He began to bark loudly.

"What's the matter with you?" one of the keepers asked as he moved over to Lockjaw's cage and smacked it with his stun rod. "Be quiet."

Lockjaw continued to bark in protest, his eyes narrowed into fearsome slits.

"I said be quiet!" the keeper shouted as he tore the door open and reached inside with the stun rod.

Lockjaw glared up at the man, his teeth bared. A low rumble issued from him as he arched his back. The keeper leaned in and moved to strike him. Lockjaw moved quickly, his teeth closing around the center of the weapon. He drew back, yanking the keeper into the cage before twisting his head, bashing the man against the side of it.

"What the hell?" the other keeper shouted as he tore through the kennel and into the direction of Lockjaw's cage. Before he could get close, Lockjaw moved out of the cage, the other keeper held between his jaws. He swung his head, tossing the limp man like a rag doll. His body collided with the incoming keeper, knocking him off of his feet and sending both men sprawling across the floor.

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