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Heather's POV:

I woke up the next morning exhausted, I was so worried about Alejandro I barely got any sleep last night. I looked at the clock it was 10 am, I slept in. I quickly got dressed and ran out the door to go to the hospital.

When I arrived Alejandro was just in the room. He saw me and his face lit up.

"Mi amor". He smiled as I walked over.

"Where are your parents?". I asked noticing they weren't in the room.

"My mom woke up with major anxiety, so her and my dad went home so she could rest, I hate seeing my mom like that". He frowned.

"Your dad is such a gentleman". I smiled. I saw him smirk and lift me into his lap. "Alejandro what are you doing". I asked as he ran his hands through my hair.

"Just being a gentleman". He smirked. I rolled my eyes wished I could punch is perfect chest but I didn't because he was still recovering.

Alejandro rubbed his nose against mine and kissed it lightly. I smiled and kissed his nose.

I looked back at Alejandro and relaxing a little bit. "Mi amor when I get out of this hospital we'll do whatever you want". He grabbed my hand.

"No, you need to rest I just want you to relax". I retorted back to him.

He frowned. "Heather, I wanna make you happy, yes I'm hurt but I don't want you being worried".

"You can be so stubborn you know that right". I glared. Alejandro just laughed kissing my lips.

"Heather...". He started as the doctor came in, quickly I jumped off Alejandro's lap.

"Well hello you two". The doctor laughed.

"Hola Doctor". Alejandro replied.

"Well good news you get to be released today after we run some tests, just make sure when you get home you get some good rest". The doctor said. I gave a smirk to Alejandro knowing I was right. He just frowned and rolled his eyes as the doctor went around to doing the tests.

Alejandro's POV:

Later that night I fell asleep early being because I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep over the past 2 days.

The next morning I woke up really sore with my back in pain along with the rest of my body. I tried getting up but I ended up screaming in pain, the doctor said it would be like this for a day or two because of recovering from the surgery.

Heather ran in our bedroom in concern. "Alejandro, what happened are you okay?". She talked in worry.

"Yes, just very very sore". I laid down on my pillow.

"Well is there anything you need, or want that I could get for you?". She asked.

I just laughed. "Well there is one thing".

"What?". She asked in confusion.

"Come over to the bed". I asked as she walked over. I tried lifting her but I couldn't so she laid on my chest. I ran my hands through her raven hair noticing that she was very quiet. I looked down to see her sleeping. I laughed laying her down on her side of the bed so she could rest.

Later that day I tried getting up and was successful. I was still sore but it was better than before. I looked back at Heather still sleeping, I didn't want to disturb her so I decided to ask Duncan for a ride to my parents which he happily agreed to. My body was still sore so the doctor said I couldn't drive for about 2 weeks.


I slowly walked to my parents door and knocked as no one answered I walked in anyway. I walked in to see my dad in casual clothes. I had never seen him wear anything like that before. My dad looked at me smiling.

"Hola hijo, how are you feeling?". He asked, I could tell the tone of his voice was filled with exhaustion.

"Bueno, where's mama and Cartia". I asked.

"Your brother is watching Cartia still and your mama is a wreak she's won't calm down so that's why I look like this, not that I mind". He looked down at himself.

"I can talk to her, you rest". I replied, he laughed. "She's in our bedroom".

I walked upstairs and into my parents room noticing my mom wore her pajamas and her hair was a mess. She held a pillow to her face crying softly.

I looked around the room to notice a picture that stood out it as a picture of my parents on there wedding day. My dad wore a traditional suit and my mom wore a stunning white dress. Another picture showed my parents and my brothers, Jose looked around 5, Carlos looked around 3 and I looked like newborn. But then another picture caught my eye, a family photo with Cartia added in. I remember the day my mom found out she was having a girl, she was so excited after having 3 boys.

I went over to my mom and hugged her, she looked at me wide eyed and I realized I had to tell her I was okay and I was here.

"Mama, I'm here, it's okay". I calmed her. I then caught eye of my brothers and sister at the door way. They walked over as we hugged our mom.

Okay this is an aleheather book I just like Alejandro's family

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