Moving in

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Heather's POV:

I woke up to water being poured all over me. But not just any water, cold dirty mud water. "WHAT THE HECK" I screamed.

I saw Damien laughing as my mom came running in. "Honey what's wrong"

"Damien threw muddy water on me that's what" I yelled.

"Heather, it was just a harmless prank, you're not hurt" my mother replied.

"I wish you could've seen her face" he laughed.

"I know, you should've called me over when you were doing it" my mom laughed.

I however was fed up off parents not listening the the torture he put me through.

When they left I got in the shower and got dressed. I had enough and decided I was going to look at houses to move out to. I called Courtney to meet me at a local coffee shop.

"Okay, so what's the deal or what are you looking for" She asked. Courtney had moved out of her parents for more independence in her college years. We were both attending the University of Toronto in the fall except she had enough credits to enter in a sophomore year instead of freshman year.

"I don't just somewhere I can have my independence" I swirled my drink. It was ice coffee since it was the beginning of August.

"Well the neighborhood I moved into is a new neighborhood that just finished building a ton of houses so maybe look there". She said. "Does Alejandro know you want to move out?".

"No, I haven't old him" I replied.

"Well maybe now is a good time" she pointed and I saw Alejandro walk in. He saw us and Courtney waved him over.

I was a bit embarrassed Courtney was doing this. Alejandro sat next to me and kissed my head. I rested my head on his shoulder. "So Alejandro what brings you here?" Courtney asked.

"I live in Toronto Courtney" he frowned.

"I know, but in the coffee shop" she waved her hands.

"Well I was meeting with a modeling agency who is very interested in me modeling for their vegan clothes brand" he said.

"Cool, so Heather and I were just talking and".

"About nothing important" I put a hand over her mouth.

She removed my hand. "About what?" Alejandro raised his eyebrow.

"Ugh fine, I want to move out of my parents because I can't continue to live with my annoying little siblings and my parents keep doing nothing about it, so Courtney and I were looking at some places and she suggested her neighborhood she just moved into" I sighed.

"Well great minds think alike, I was planning on moving out and my parents offered me a house in a neighborhood they own" he said.

"Wait really, your parents own a neighborhood?". I asked

"Well a friend they knew owned it and didn't want to own it anymore so he offered it to my parents". He shrugged.

"Where is it?". Courtney asked.

"By the lake up daffodil street". Alejandro replied.

"That's the street I just bought, your parents own it?" She said.

"Well half is owned by the city but sort of, but my parents offered me a house so" he trailed and looked at me.

"What?". I asked.

"Heather, do you want to move in with me, you don't have to but it's a huge house and you can have plenty of space without your siblings".

I was surprised but to be fair I had dreamed of moving out for a while and a place away from my siblings sounded nice.

"Oh um sure". Is all I managed to say.

"I can help you pay for it I mean I have a lot of money from modeling and my parents give me money". I said.

"Heather you don't have to pay for everything, I can more than pay" he smiled.

"I know, but we're paying half no arguments". I said.

"Okay". He laughed.


I had packed all my stuff and looked at my empty room. I left the bed and a few furniture items but other than that I packed everything. My blankets, clothes, shoes, books, toiletries, makeup, and pictures, however there was one thing I didn't pack.

I looked down at my feet to see Bruiser snuggling me. Bruiser had been my cat since I was seven and he was more my cat than my family's.

I picked Bruiser up and he purred. My eyes watered as Alejandro came in. "Did you pack his stuff?". He pointed at Bruiser.

I was confused. "What do you mean?".

"Is he not coming with us?". Alejandro asked.

"You mean Bruiser can live with us?". My eyes lit up as Alejandro nodded and smiled.

I put Bruiser down and hugged Alejandro. "I love you". I said.

"I love you more". He replied.

When we got to the house it was huge and there was a giant living room that lead to a kitchen. The master bedroom was huge and had a en-suite bathroom.

There were bedrooms leading out of the kitchen and a backyard so huge and it had a pool and a hot tub. Everything in this house was just beautiful.

I hugged Alejandro as the movers moved our stuff in. "I love you". I kissed his lips.

"Te amo mi amor". He kissed me back.

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