Gifts and Backstorys

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A/N:This chapter will have some of Alejandro's parents in it even thought this is an aleheather book I can do what I want

Also in this chapter you will get a little deep dive into Alejandro's parents relationship

Alejandro's POV:

We woke up to a not so surprising snowy day. It was Christmas Eve Day and specifically me and Heather's first Christmas Eve together.

"Buenos Dias Heather, Merry Christmas Eve". I smirked kissing her cheek. "Merry Christmas Eve to you too". She smiled. "I have to run to get some last minute presents". Heather said grabbing her coat and heading out the door.

I sighed wondering what she could be up to but I just shrugged and went on with my day.

No One's POV:

Burromuerto Toronto Residence

Alejandro's car could be seen pulling up to the Burromuerto's residence that was decorated for Christmas.

There were many signs saying feliz navidad because of course you bring home where ever you go. The house was coated in a layer of snow that was still coming down and there were Christmas lights all over.

Alejandro rang the doorbell but no one answered so he just went in.

Not only was the outside of the house decorated but the inside as well with red and green everywhere.

"Mijo, Merry Christmas Eve". Maria Burromuerto looked up from the soup she was making. She wore her hair in a low ponytail and was wearing a skirt and long sleeve shirt.

"Merry Christmas Eve mama". Alejandro kissed his mom's cheek. "Mama you look very pretty today". Alejandro sat at the kitchen island.

"Oh Gracias Hijo, I just threw this on because I have a lot of cooking to do today". Maria replied stirring the soup.

Alejandro's POV:

I was still on the verge of something else I could get Heather for Christmas, something that would be meaningful, something she would never forget. "Mama, what did papa get you for his and yours first Christmas together?".

My mom turned from the soup and put the spoon down. "Why?". She raised an eyebrow obviously at the out of no where question.

"Well I want to get something meaningful and unforgettable for Heather for our first Christmas together". I looked back at her.

My mom grabbed a picture from the cabinet and sighed. "Oh I remember that day, your father was practically trying to make the day perfect, we spent that Christmas at his parents, your Abuelo and Abuela's". She fingered the picture. She then took of one of her rings, the ring had a garnet and an emerald on the side of a diamond. "Your padre gave me this ring with his birthstone and mine along with a diamond".

"Papa really knows how to out do himself". I smirked making my mom blush.

For as long as I can remember my parents have been in love and my dad basically spoils my mom with everything, but she doesn't need gifts she says his presence is enough. My dad's example is how I want to be and how I am going to be to my future children.

"Ah, is the soup to hot". My dad leaned on the stairs making my mom's face turn red. "Fernando-". She was cut off by my dad kissing her lips my mom obviously annoyed at the fact he cut her off. "Hermosa, you can't deny that you don't love it". My dad smirked.

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