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Heather's POV:

We stayed with Alejandro's family the rest of the day and I was so happy, I loved spending time with the little kids, they made me want to be a mom more than ever.

Ever since I could remember I wanted to be a mom and have kids. But after I got older and changed myself, I pushed my true passions away and decided on other things that were extremely unrealistic like ruling Europe. But I still wanted to be famous, I always wanted to do something I enjoyed and was well known for like acting, or modeling and singing which I do right now which I make a lot of money from even though the money wasn't what I was looking for, I just wanted to do something I loved, or less famous what I'm getting one of my college degrees in now teaching.

I always hid that I wanted to be a mom from people I met. I had always told my family I wanted to be a mom and I told Alejandro who said he really wanted to be a dad.

But the real problem is some of the public saying I wouldn't make a good mom and that I was mean, and wouldn't care, people still thought of me as the mean girl and I knew that reputation wouldn't really go away.

But of course I'm not ready to be mom yet and besides Alejandro and I had just started dating.

I watched the kids all play together which made me smile. The kids were José and Rosa's daughter Rachel and their son Caleb, Carlos and Vanessa's twins who played by themselves their son Aiden and their daughter Clementine. Along with Alejandro's uncle Julio his dad's younger brother and Julio's wife Serephina's kids Brinley, Skyler, and Reagan. And along with some of Alejandro's extended relatives kids.

I was so happy.

Alejandro's POV:

I watched in awe at Heather playing with the little kids, I knew she wanted to be a mom and I knew she would be a great mom one day.

I was walking back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when my mom came up to me and smiled. "Hola mama". I said smiling back at her.

"Hola Mijo". She smiled back before wiping the counter top.

"So". I hinted at her that I wanted her opinion about Heather

"Alejandro I just want you to know I don't hate her, I've never hated her, she's lovely, and I love seeing her play with the kids". My mom put a hand on my shoulder.

I hugged her in joy even though I already knew she didn't hate Heather.

Heather's POV:

That night when we got home I was prepping for an interview tomorrow that I wasn't really to exited to go to but still.

It was starting to get late and I saw Alejandro put a cup of warm milk next to me. "Thanks babe, but I'm not thirsty".

Alejandro kissed my head. "I know but you have had this interview on your mind for the past few days and tonight, I just want you to relax, I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed". Alejandro massaged my shoulders and I smiled, after he gave me a kiss on the lips before walking to our bathroom.

The next day I sat on a couch in front of a woman. The woman's name was Tina Roberts and she was another person who hosted a mid day talk show called Tina's Talk Show that wasn't really that popular but people still watched it. She had already interviewed Courtney and it went kind of like viewers asking questions. But I knew more people were going to be watching the show today like they did with Courtney sense I was the guest. I never really wanted to be a talk show host and was kind of getting nervous about what was going to happen.

Tina introduced the show and started with the questions she had and viewers questions along with the live audience questions which were mostly about Total Drama which went fine until the last question.

"Now Heather a lot of viewers and live audience have had this question and I have to. The question is What do you plan on doing now that Total Drama is over and what do you want to do with your life?

I sighed and started. "Well I model and sing and I want to act and I am actually working on getting my teaching degree along with Alejandro who basically models, oh and I also in the future I really want to be a mom". I said excitedly at the last part but Tina and the live audience burst out laughing.

"You a mom, you have to be joking, you could never be a mom, you wouldn't even care about your kids, you would just focus on yourself, face it Heather you can't be a mom". Tina laughed and I tried to put on a fake face to the reaction but I was slowly breaking inside.

After that the show came to an end and I said goodbye to everyone before leaving and when I walked out the paparazzi surrounded me with cameras and microphones and kept asking my a bunch of questions the paparazzi NEVER bothers us and anyone at all and still the paparazzi NEVER bothers us and anyone at all. "So Heather how was the interview". "It's a joke you wanted to be a mom right". "Courtney is better". All the questions flooded my head and I eventually told them I had something to do and walked to my car before getting in. When I was in the car I looked at different news articles that I had been looking at the past few days that had been posted and news articles that were posted today and they were all about me being nice now and how I changed and how I wasn't the iconic mean girl anymore, I saw recordings from today of the interview and of fans of me and Total Drama opinions and a live video of the paparazzi surrounding me outside just a few seconds ago and on the live video I could here them saying that my car was still here and they were going to try to get me to answer more questions and when I heard that I saw the paparazzi and fans running to my car and I immediately drove off. I tried sucking in my tears and I knew everyone was watching and I kept getting calls from family saying they were mad at the interview lady for obviously making me upset and Alejandro's family also said the same thing along with friends. The only person I knew I still had to face was Alejandro who would probably not leave me alone.

When I finally got home, I ran straight to my room where Alejandro was there waiting for me and to my surprise everywhere was gifts. I was shocked and broke into tears in his arms. He just held me tight and kissed my head.

"I HATE PEOPLE". I screamed.

Alejandro stared straight into my eyes. "I just want you to know that when you become a mom, your going to be the best mommy in the world, I don't want anyone to tell you otherwise, our kids are going to have the most amazing mommy".

I smiled when I heard our kids and I hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry".

"You don't have to be sorry mi amor". Alejandro rubbed my back.

We stopped hugging after a few moments when he lead me to the bathroom where he had ran a bath for me. "I love you". I smiled kissing his lips.

"I love you too". Alejandro kissed me back.

Honestly I was hesitant about publishing this but this is basically foreshadowing so yeah. Idk I also didn't like the interview part for some reason.

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