Lawsuit Pt 2

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Alejandro's POV:

"Abuelo Antonio". I said shocked.

"Alejandro". He nodded and handed something to his lawyer.

"Your honor here is more evidence for the case". The lawyer said.

"Thank you". The judge looked at the evidence wide eyed.

"Mr. Burromuerto you may go back to your seat". The judge told me.

"May I say something your honor?". Heather stood up.

"Yes". The judge nodded.

"Just take me to prison I deserve it. I was the cause for all of the events that happened to Alejandro, I pushed him down the volcano because I wanted the money and I didn't know the volcano was going to erupt, I thought he would be fine sliding down an ice cube but I was wrong because if I hadn't pushed him off the volcano, one of us would have threw the fake sacrifice in to the volcano and the volcano would have still erupted and none of us here would be seriously hurt. (I believe Heather is the real winner everywhere). So it's all my fault so just take me away". Heather said confidentiality but I could see fear in her face, I tried to tell her no but then Courtney spoke.

"May I say something as well your honor?". Courtney asked.

"Yes". The judge said in shock from the previous rant.

"I was a witness of Heather during the year and a half Alejandro was in the robot suit and during that time Heather didn't do anything. She cried all the time, she didn't eat, shower, or sleep for days at a time, she didn't leave her house, when she finally went back to school her mom told me she was being severely bullied again worse than she ever had been, she experienced so much trauma on Total Drama. Heather's condition was so bad I didn't know how to help". Courtney finished and my face turned to Heather, she never told me any of this.

"It's true your honor, everything she just said". Heather's mom stood up in an instant.

"Thank you for bringing that to my attention". The judge spoke.

"This folder explains Alejandro's exact feelings and examples that he asked his grandfather to put in his case". The judge said.

"Are you really going to believe a bunch of kids?". Chris stood up.

"Chris just let them win they have been through a lot". Chef put a hand on his shoulder.

Chris looked angry but sighed. "Fine say what your going to say your honor".

"Thank you. Chris McLean and Norbert Hatchet I herby sentence you both to prison". The police came and the judge continued. "This case is closed the former Total Drama cast wins and no one is going to prison". She looked at Heather and continued. "Because Miss. Samson Kasuga there is no reason to send you or anyone in your case to prison because prison and any sort of jail is for serious crimes, you and everyone here just made a mistake. Heather you just made a mistake and no one is perfect we all make mistakes". The judge said.

Everyone cheered and hugged and we walked out of the court room where the rest of our families were waiting outside and we all hugged. I hugged my family and Heather hugged her family and everyone else hugged their families and us and the rest of the cast all hugged. Geoff then shouted. "PARTY AT THE BEACH". Everyone cheered.

After everything calmed down and most people left. I looked at Heather and hugged her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was bullied more and that I was severely depressed when you were in the robot suit". She cried.

"Oh Mi amor, you poor thing, you suffered so much, it's okay". I kissed her head.

"Come on, let's go home". I took her hand and we walked to our car.

When we got home I ordered food and Heather and I laid in bed.

We didn't go to the party, besides a celebratory party is being with the ones you love.

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