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Heather walked into a law office and grabbed papers off a table that read Heather.

After she walked out to her car she took a look at the papers. All there was, was evidence, tons of evidence to win the lawsuit so Chris can't create a new season of Total Drama and torture them again. They were going to put a restraining order on him, and make sure he is arrested.

But what Chris doesn't know is that there is way more evidence that was collected by the parents who were just as angry at Chris as their teens.

Heather's POV:

I threw the papers on the table and sat down sighing when Courtney burst in. "Um there is something called knocking, I would assume you of all people would've known that".

"This is to important to knock, I've been way to worried, I can't breathe, what if we don't win". Courtney yelled.

"We will win, with the evidence Alejandro's parents have, we can't lose, he was literally thrown in a robot suit".

"BUT HE SIGNED RELEASE FORMS AND SO DID HIS PARENTS". Courtney screamed so basically anyone in a 3 mile radius could hear.

I looked at Courtney in fear. "Heath". She rubbed my shoulder.

I started to cry and looked at a picture frame of Alejandro and I. "We need to win, even if he sues me because I was the one who caused the damage to his body, I want him to have rights that he deserves for those terrible injuries all because of me, they can find me guilty but I want nothing charged against him".

Courtney was going to speak but ended up leaving.

After Courtney left, Alejandro sat next to me. "You aren't guilty of anything". He said.

"Yes I am". Heather walked off into their bedroom.


Later that night we were woken up by a loud bang on our door, Alejandro went to open it and it was Duncan. "Can I help you?". Alejandro frowned.

"We got an unwanted visitor calling us which is he has been told not to call". Duncan crossed his arms.

Duncan whispered something to Alejandro and he went angry. He picked up his phone and called someone in anger.

At this point I was scared and I started to cry. Alejandro got off the phone and looked over at me. "It's Chris, he wants us not to sue, I called my great grandfather and he is gonna help us with the lawsuit". Alejandro rubbed my shoulders but I was still a mess. "Come on we're going to my parents". Alejandro picked my up and we went to his car.


When we got to Alejandro's parents house his mother opened the door and saw me crying. She immediately let us in and my father walked downstairs. "Padre I need to talk to you". Alejandro said before him and his father walked in his father's office down the hall.

Maria gave me a blanket and hugged me. "I'm sorry this is all my fault, we may not win because I pushed Alejandro down a volcano". I cried.

"Oh Heather No it's not your fault, you didn't put him in the robot suit, you have more evidence from your friends, you will win". Maria hugged me more.

I stared to cry again as people walked through the door. It was Alejandro's brothers and their families. All the kids were all up all except Caleb.

Carlos fell on the floor and Vanessa kicked him. "Oh suck it up Carlos, it was your turn to get the twins when they woke up and they just happen to be more fussy tonight". Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"What happened?". José asked.

"Sorry to call you boys at such a late hour but I don't even know". Maria replied.

Eventually we all heard a knock at the door and Maria went to open it. When she walked back she had Antonio with her and pointed to her husbands office.

Antonio nodded and walked down the hall. I started to shiver and in that moment I didn't want to be here I was like a little girl who wanted her mommy, so eventually when no one was looking I walked to the entrance where Alejandro left his keys and I took them and drove off to my parents.

When I arrived there Annie was there and hugged me. My mom came downstairs and was shocked to see me. "Honey what happened". She asked.

I then lost it. "I DON'T KNOW CAN PEOPLE JUST STOP ASKING ME THAT THIS IS ALL MY FAULT ANYWAY". I screamed which made me run out of the house and running to the beach by the neighborhoods and ran up a hill and sat down sobbing when I saw someone next to me, it was Cartia.

She breathed and started talking. "I know we got off to a rough start and I apologize for that".

Heather looked into her green eyes. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it, your only a little girl".

Cartia played with the sand in front of her. "You know Heather I think your a good person deep down inside, you just keep hiding it because you don't want to feel weak, you have been blaming yourself for everything that is happening which most of it isn't your fault. Yes you pushed my brother off a volcano but you didn't put him in a robot suit and keeping him away so no one knew about him as he was checked by a registered doctor who was involved in that illegal activity, you didn't even know who he was and your youngest brother Damien came up to me at the park and told me you were really depressed. Also Chris deserves to be in jail". Cartia said in anger.

And I realized she was right, I didn't keep Alejandro in a robot suit, I mean I did push him off a volcano but he needed proper medical care.

It was silent for a few seconds before we heard foot steps behind us, it was Rachel walking her brother and her twin cousins to where Cartia and I were sitting. "How did you four get here?". I asked.

"We snuck in the car, Uncle Alejandro has car seats in the back of his car". Rachel said.

These kids seriously surprise me I thought.

Rachel walked over to us and handed me Caleb. "Here hold him". She said.

I held Caleb in my arms as Rachel gave Aiden to Cartia and she tried to carry Clementine but considering she was only 4, the 1 year old baby girl was heavy in her little arms.

I looked at Caleb and he was surprisingly calm. I tickled him tummy and he giggled. It seriously gave me baby fever.

Eventually Rachel sat down in the middle of me and Cartia and held Clementine on her lap. Rachel laid on my shoulder and Carita laid her head on Rachel's shoulder. The sun was staring to show through the dark night and the six of us watched the sun rise.

It felt like forever until we heard voices yelling our names. I looked back to see Alejandro and his family along with my family. "I FOUND THEM". Annie shouted as everyone ran to us.

I sat up with Caleb and handed him to Rosa while Rachel gave Vanessa Clementine and Cartia gave Vanessa Aiden and José then picked up Rachel. Cartia however didn't walk to her parents she walked to Alejandro and whispered something in his ear when he looked at me and frowned and I was seriously wondering what she had said to him but Alejandro then walked over to me and reached out his hand and smiled. "Let's go home".

I took him hand and instead of getting his car he put a hand around my shoulders and we walked down the beach. He handed his parents the car keys and asked them to drop it off at our house.

While we walked on the beach I stared at the sunset. Down the beach was near our house so we just walked down the beach in silence.

When we got home all I wanted to do was go to sleep and I did exactly that in Alejandro's arms.

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