I Do Love You? Pt 1

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Heather's POV:

I pretty sure everyone has a part of their family that is embarrassing and trust me I know how that feels.

"Okay let's just get this over with". I said parking the car.

"Hold on". Alejandro stopped me.

"What?". I asked.

"Mi amor don't be angry going in there it'll only make it worse". He soothed me.

I was hesitant at responding but I just sighed. "It's not my entire family it's my stupid evil little brat of a brother Damien, now let's go". I pulled him out the car.

I rang the doorbell and crossed my arms as usual it takes 15 years for someone to open the damn door in this house.

Finally my mom opened the door and hugged us both. "Heather, Alejandro you're here". She smiled leading us inside.

Immediately I was pulled away by someone. "Janelle?".

"Look at what that brat did to my sweater". Janelle held up her sweater that had holes cut into it. Janelle was 24 years old and didn't live at home anymore but still kept stuff at my parents house and that stuff was easy to find by some 6 year old demon considering it was in the basement.

"Well he did the same thing to my clothes". I rolled my eyes.

"Hey mom wants-what in the world is wrong with your sweater". Gina scrunched her nose.

"Damien". Janelle replied.

"Your brother is loco". Alejandro shook his head.

"Well duh". I took his hand and walked him to the kitchen.

Alejandro's POV:

"Mom where did you go, HELLO? Ugh, just make yourself at home Alejandro". Heather shouted and let go of my hand walking off.

I shrugged and walked to the living room where much like my parents house was filled with pictures.

I looked around and saw a few pictures of Heather from when she was young but specifically junior high. "UGH MOM I TOLD YOU NOT TO LAY OUT MY OLD PICTURES".

"I think you look beautiful". I smiled.

"Y-you do". Heather blushed and I laughed a little.

"Here come upstairs my mom said she had some more of my stuff to move to our house". Heather lead me upstairs to her childhood bedroom.

Heather went to a box for of books and I picked up one of them titled. All Women Royalty in History. "That's my favorite book, so interesting ". Heather said.

I flipped through the book, the pages were full of pictures of All Women royalty in history . "Wow you love history". I smiled at her.

"Yep". She replied.

"Yeah she's a nerd". Damien taunted.

"Damien mind your own business". Heather glared.

"Why? I live here so everything is my business". He crossed his arms.

"Damien, I do not mean to intrude on your sibling rivalry but I think Heather is very very cute when she talks about history". I put my arm around her.

"I don't know what you see in this former ugly brace faced weirdo". Heather glared at him.

Damien stuck out his tongue and walked out. "I hate that kid". Heather said as we walked out.

Heather's POV:

At dinner it was quiet at the table until my dad spoke. "Well it's nice to have you here".

"Yes". My grandmother only replied.

"UGH WHY DOES MY FOOD TASTE LIKE TOOTHPASTE". My sister Kat yelled and I saw Damien smirk across the table.

"Kat". My mom shot.

"OH I'M SO SORRY IF I AM MAKING A SCENE BUT YOUR SON LITERALLY PUT TOOTHPASTE IN MY FOOD". Kat stood up. Meanwhile Damien was acting all innocent.

Kat stormed out and my grandmother mother glared at Damien. "I will make something that isn't filled with toothpaste". She sat up.

I looked over to see Damien had left his seat and was no where to be seen. I questioned it a little but just moved on until I was almost standing up straight and about to go to the bathroom to go to the bathroom and before I could even process what happened all the food nobody ate because of the toothpaste landed all over me from a bucket that was poured over me.

I heard the laughs I knew all too well. Damien. I looked to my left and there he was bucket in hand and laughing, my parents was chuckling quietly, my sisters, my grandparents and especially Alejandro didn't seem to think it was funny.

I was almost in tears I had been terrorized by him for to long. I looked at my parents not even my mom who stopped my dad from laughing in these situations was laughing to. "WHY DO YOU LET DAMIEN TREAT EVERYONE LIKE THAT". I yelled.

My mom stopped trying to laugh. "Honey he's a kid, it's a joke". And started laughing again.

I wanted to try even more until Alejandro stood next to me and I shooed him away. I regretted what I said next. "I feel ashamed to be your daughter, I never want to see you guys again if your going to let Damien treat me like this, and you not stop him, you yelled at Kat, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, AND IF YOU WANT YOUR DAUGHTER BACK, THEN NICE TRY I DON'T EVEN THINK I LOVE YOU GUYS". I said and took Alejandro's hand and walked out slamming the door.

When we got in the car Alejandro just drove and didn't speak to me just holding my hand.

When we got home I took a shower and laid on our bed.

Alejandro walked in and laid down next to me. "I regret everything I said". I cried.

"It's okay, I'm right here". Alejandro kissed my head and hugged me as I fell asleep.

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