I Do Love You? Pt 2

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Alejandro's POV:

I hated seeing my love like this. Heather had just laid around like she had lost a piece of her heart.

I walked back into the house with groceries to see Heather laying on the couch rewatching Mulan and eating ice cream.

I set the groceries down and sat down next to her. "Come here". I pulled her in for a hug where she just stayed quiet.

"Mi amor, why don't you go talk to your family again?". I suggested.

"I don't want to see them again". Heather spoke.

"Over them laughing at the prank Damien pulled?". I asked.

"It's not just that, this has been going on for years now". Heather sat up.

"Then why are you so upset?". I took her hand.

"Because my mom is my best friend or was". Heather walked to our bedroom, I didn't follow.

No One's POV:

Molliee Kasuga ate dinner alone at a Japanese restaurant, she didn't tell anyone she was there, she just wanted to be alone.

She looked out at the garden that was in the middle of the restaurant. Molliee stared at a mom and her little girl. The mom was following her toddler and the little girl laughed  as she ran through the garden.

Molliee smiled at the two. Reminded of a time when things were simpler for her.

Tokyo, Japan 1967

The field of grass and flowers rustled as a little girl 3 years old ran from her mother in a game.

The raven black hair was in pigtails and her blue dress flowing as she ran. Her gray eyes shone on a hot summer day in August.

"Molliee, my goodness your fast". A woman about 23 ran to her daughter.

"Mommy, flowers". The little girl smiled in delight.

"Beautiful Molliee". The woman smiled.

Toronto, Canada 1992

"Pretty flowers". A little girl with beautiful raven black hair and gray eyes wearing a purple checkered dress smiled at her mother.

"Very pretty flowers Heather". Her mother sat in the flower field with her.

The little girl who was Heather picked more flowers and put some in her mom's hair.

The mother who was Molliee looked at her daughter and smiling just seeing a spitting image of herself, not knowing what was going to become of her spitting image of a daughter.

Present Day

Molliee snapped back to reality and paid for her food and left.

She walked to a park and walked the trail where trees covered the bright blue sky.

Molliee walked for quite a bit until finding a bench where she sat.

Walking down the trail toward Molliee's direction was Maria pushing a stroller that held her twin grandchildren. "Molliee?". She asked stopping.

Molliee looked up and then back down again. She sighed and for a few moments thought about answering Maria. Finally she spoke. "Your right I don't deserve to be called mom". And with that Molliee left, walking back home.

When she arrived home she went to her and her husband's room pulling out a dress in a box she hadn't worn in years, she looked at the dress and put it in the box again before going to her car and driving off to deliver this box to someone.

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