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Alejandro's POV:

I have noticed Heather's weird actions for the past 2 weeks, I tried asking her what was wrong but she was avoiding me. It made me nervous for what I had planned. I was going to propose. I knew we were young, but I loved this woman and I wanted to spend forever with her.

I had it all planned. I was going to propose on her birthday November 18th. I had the ring which custom made with real Diamond. I was hoping she would say yes.


I knocked on Heather's parents house as her mom opened the door. "Hi Alejandro, what brings you here today". She smiled. "Well I would like to speak to you and your husband". I asked politely. "Of course he is in his office". She said. "Thank you Mrs Samson". I replied.

"Mr Samson I would like to ask you something". I said walking into Heather's Dad's office. "Hi Alejandro what do you wanna ask me". He said. "Well I Love Heather so much she is my everything and I want to ask you for your permission for me to marry Heather". I asked.

He smiled and said "Alejandro you make Heather so happy and that's what me and her mom want I give you my permission for you to marry my daughter". I did see a hint of take my bratty daughter away from and even of that was the case I would do that anyway.

"Gracias Mr Samson". I smiled as I turned to Mrs Samson. "Mrs Samson may I have your permission to marry Heather?". I asked.

"Of course" she smiled.

"Gracias" I smiled and walked out


A few days later I woke up early to make Heather breakfast. I set up decorations and made sure I was silent before waking her. Heather could get muy enojada when woken up.

I got her breakfast tray and went into our bedroom. Heather was slowly waking up. "Happy 19th birthday mi amor" she smiled.

"Aw you're so sweet" she rolled her eyes.

"And I have a special surprise for you tonight" I smiled and kissed her lips.

Heather's POV:

I was going to do it tonight and just get it over with. Alejandro wouldn't tell me where we were going and I was beginning to worry.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at a trail which was known for having romantic scenery.

Alejandro exited the car and opened my door and took my hand. "Such a gentleman" I teased as he kissed my forehead. This might all be over tonight. I thought.

Alejandro led me to a secluded area and to a curtain of leaves which he opened to reveal a beautiful dinner set up with candles. He was lucky today wasn't an extremely freezing day in November.

"Surprise, this is all for you" Alejandro smiled and hugged me from behind.

"It's beautiful" I smiled and he led me to get a view of the sunset

"You know we could have just stayed in, why the over the top dinner?" I asked.

"Well tonight is extra special, I have a surprise for you" he smiled

I quirked my eyebrow but continued to look at the sunset before Alejandro took my hands.

I stared at him and smiled before he spoke. "Heather, these past years have been the best of my life even with there rough spots, when I first met you, I saw you as competition and very irritating, but I couldn't deny my feelings for a second longer. I know those unhappy memories from the robot suit and how hurt we both were are traumatic memories you don't want to relive, but when you gave us a chance I couldn't have more happier. You are the most feistiest, manipulative, stubborn, beautiful adorable and kind masterpiece I have ever met and..." I was so struck with emotion and when he got down on one knee my heart grew and beat fast.

"Heather you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me and when so wake up everyday to see you my heart warms. I want to spend forever with you in a permanent alliance" he took out a box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the most glamorous diamond ring ever. "Heather Lena Samson Kasuga, will you marry me?" He smiled with tears in his eyes.

I started to cry and put my hand over my mouth, I was shocked and happy all at once before answering. "You are the worst. Yes you dummy" I cried as he got up and put the ring on my finger as we kissed.

After the high I realized I had to tell him I was pregnant and I knew we would be over. "Alejandro, I have something to tell you" I said.

He looked at me with confusion and concern. "What's the matter?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and pulled out the small box with contained the pregnancy tests I took that was in my pocket. "Here" I handed him the box with nervousness.

He looked confused and opened the box. As my heart raced. When he saw what was inside his eyes went wide and he looked at me. "You're pregnant?".

I nodded. "Yes and I completely understand if you want to leave right now and take the ring with you and never see me again" I handed him the ring but instead of leaving he took the ring and placed it on my finger again and kissed my lips.

"Why do you think I would leave you?" He asked.

"Well we're young and you have your whole life ahead of you and I don't want you to be tied down with a baby" my eyes watered and he hugged me.

"Heather, never in a million years would I leave you, even if you're pregnant and if you want this baby I will be there every step of the way" he said.

"I do want this baby and I was scared you would just leave and hate me and find someone else and I would be alone" I broke down as he hugged me tight.

"You won't be alone, I'll be there every step of the way with you and our precious bebe" he knelt down to kiss my belly.

I heard rustling in the bushes to see my sister in law Vanessa. "Sorry I was on photography duty but I won't tell anyone you're pregnant, but I'll send you the pictures" she said before walking off.

After a few seconds I was hungry so we sat to eat the dinner Alejandro prepared.

We talked for 2 hours before the night chill began to hit and I began to get cold. "Come on let's go home mi amor" Alejandro picked the stuff up and we walked down together.

Once home, we went to our bedroom where I looked at my appearance. Makeup smeared my face and my hair was a mess. Alejandro came up behind me and kissed me. "Why don't we have a hot shower before bed" he said before turning on the shower.

He bent down to my belly and kissed it. "Te amo mi bebe" I started crying again and Alejandro hugged me. "You are so special to me, you better know that" he smiled and I laughed.

Alejandro massaged shampoo in my hair as relaxed. "Your hair is so silky" he said as he rinsed my hair.

"Thank you Mr Heather" I smirked.

"You're welcome Mrs Alejandro" he kissed me passionately on the lips.

We laid in bed and it didn't hit me until now because I was so worried that my birthday was almost over. Alejandro must have noticed before he pulled a box from under the bed. "Happy birthday" he handed it to me and I opened it to see the prettiest outfit ever. It was a short pink dress with new white shoes and a sweater with accessories.

"Stop making me cry today" I sobbed as he hugged me.

"I'm sorry, you are just the easiest person to spoil" he comforted me as I calmed down.

I looked at the ring on my finger and smiled. "I can't wait to marry you" I whispered.

"Me too" he smiled.

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