Burromuerto Christmas

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No One's POV:

On Christmas morning Alejandro woke up to see Heather was still sleeping so Alejandro decided to get up and make breakfast.

Alejandro's POV:

"Good morning mi amor, Merry Christmas". I kissed her cheek bringing her breakfast. "Awwwwww Alejandro you shouldn't have". She smiled.

Both of us had opened some of our presents from each other and gotten ready to go to my parents house.

I knocked on the door before my father answered. "Hola Mijo, Heather. Feliz navidad". My father hugged me and then Heather.

We walked inside to see my mother, Rosa, and Vanessa preparing food. "Hola you two". My mom said.

I went to hug her when I caught a glimpse of a tiny body behind Rosa. "Hola Caleb". I leaned down making him hide more.

"Sorry his anxiety has been really bad today". Rosa picked him up.

I smiled at Caleb again before looking back at Rosa.

"Oh Caleb was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder not to long ago". Rosa replied.

Caleb has bright blue eyes and light brown hair with light skin. He has always been a shy little boy who always stuck to Rosa his mom.

"Caleb say hi to uncle Alejandro". Rosa said.

"Hi". Caleb said still holding on to his mom.

I felt tugging on my pants. "Uncle Alejandro play barbies with me and Clementine". Rachel held a tiny Clementine's hand.

"Rachel, Why doesn't your daddy play with you two". I looked over at José who spit out his water. "Uhhhh daddy is uh busy right now". José scratched his head.

"I'll play with you two of you want". Heather bent down as Rachel jumped in excitement.

"It's okay Heather you don't have too, José play with them". Rosa glared at him making him get up.

"Hola everyone!". We turned to hear a voice. It was Estrella. "Hola Estrella". My auntie Karen glanced at her.

After things calmed down I walked over to Heather to see none other than my uncle Enrique flirting with Heather. "ENRIQUE". I grabbed him by the shirt. "Ah mi sobrino, I was just talking to your lovely novia". He smirked.

I glared at him when suddenly my father came over the both of us. "Enrique leave your nephew's novia alone". My father gave him a glare.

My uncle Enrique, the biggest surprise of my grandparents. In 1988 my grandparents had a month long vacation to Italy and when they got back my abuela found out she was pregnant at 44 with her 4th child, my uncle. A month later my mother found out she was pregnant with me. Enrique being born in April of 1989 and me being born May of 1989, born just 3 weeks and 2 days before me.

"Lo siento Heather, mi hermano can be a pain". "In the ass". José cut him off rolling his eyes. "What José said". My father sighed walking out.

Later my mother called everyone for dinner and we all sat down to eat. "Just so you know Heather my family has a bit of a tradition that we do at the table". I whispered making her quirk an eyebrow.

Heather's POV:

I sat at the table awkwardly as Alejandro's family all prayed in Spanish. Once they finished Alejandro's mom set out what looked like appetizers. "Tapas". Alejandro said putting some on my plate. "What's that?". I asked. "Appetizers, there are Tapas restaurants in Spain and they are delicious". He smiled. "Isn't most Spanish food meat. Aren't you a vegetarian like I am?". I asked. "Yes, both sides of my families are vegetarians, but throughout my life I have had to make exceptions for that". He said. "Same with me as you know". I rolled my eyes thinking of Chris and his stupid "food" challenges. "Don't worry my mom made many different verities of food". He said.

There was many food to be had like. Veggie enchiladas, Mac and cheese, garlic bread, homemade pasta, vegetation paella, arroz and broccoli and tons more.

I looked to see the kids table where no shocker they were eating Mac and cheese. Rachel seemed to be bossing Caleb, Aiden and Clementine were fooling around. But Cartia just sat there not eating her food while the rest of the kids argued or cried. Suddenly the doorbell rang and Mrs Burromuerto went to answer it and came back with a boy about Cartia's age. He had black hair that hid behind a big coat, he had blue eyes and held a box. "Hello Steven". Mrs Burromuerto said to the boy. "My mom and dad said that I could play here until we were ready for Christmas dinner in about an hour so my mom dropped me off over here because she said she talked to you on the phone and you said it was fine". Steven said.

Steven went to sit when Julio got up and stood on his chair tapping his wine glass. "What is he doing?". I asked Alejandro. "You'll see". Alejandro smiled. "Feliz Navidad, or Merry Christmas. Every year I do this and much to mi hermano's annoyance, I want to share a time when Fernando fell down the stairs twice". Julio smirked. "Oh goody". Karen glared at him. "Anyway, it was December 1981". Mr Burromuerto grabbed the glass from his hand and threw it in his face. "That's enough Julio". Mr Burromuerto pulled his younger brother by 3 years down to his chair.

The dinner was delicious and while everyone waited in the living room for dessert. The men watched a game of soccer on the tv when we called for dessert. I noticed Cartia and Steven weren't there and seemed to have disappeared outside. And I was right. The two sat together in the snow and Cartia had a head on his shoulder. I smiled slightly and walked off.

Alejandro's POV:

Later that night I sat Heather down and made her close her eyes so I could give her one last gift. "Are your eyes closed?". I asked.

"Yes, you've asked me this millions of times already". Heather yelled.

"Okay okay, now open your eyes". I smirked.

Heather opened her eyes as I held out a box and she took it from my hands.

She opened it and it was a necklace with a diamond heart and our initials carved into it, with a matching pair of diamond earrings to match.

"Oh Alejandro, there beautiful, thank you!!". She smiled and kissed him on the head.

"Oh wait, I have something for you two". She ran out and came back with a box.

"Open it". She exclaimed.

"Okay mi amor". I opened it to see it was a shiny necklace with my name and her's.

"Do you like it". Heather gave a hopeful smile.

"Oh mi amor, I love it". I hugged her and kissed her head.

"I'm glad you do". She laid on my chest.

She sure is beautiful, I thought.

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