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Heather's POV:

I got a taxi to drive me home I was really happy to be back home. "Well where we headed". He asked me. I told him my street and we drove off.

"Ok here we are Miss". "Thank You". I took my stuff and walked down the street my house wasn't that far down so it wasn't a long walk. When I got to my house I rang the doorbell and knocked. "Ugh doesn't anyone open the door in this house". Then the door opened to my older sister Annie. "HEATHER, Mom she's home". I then saw my Mom come out of the kitchen.

"Heather Feather your home". My mom hugged me.

"Mom you can cut the act I know you are not excited to see me". I shot at her.

"Sweetie is this still about the video your dad and I are so sorry but honey it doesn't matter your home now and safe tell us everything". My mom replied smiling.

"Mom who's here?". I then saw my older sister Gina. "Oh look who it is". Gina smirked.

"Gina be nice she just got back" Annie said.

"Ewwwwww Heather". My youngest brother Damien commented.

"You to Damien". Annie glared at him.

"I agree with Damien". My oldest sister Janelle walked in.

"JANELLE". Annie snapped.

"What's going on in here- Oh Heather, goodie". My younger sister Kat rolled her eyes.


"No Annie it's fine I'll be in my room". I sighed.

I pulled my bags up the stairs and went in my room locked my door and slid to the ground. I then opened up my phone it was wet but intact and I texted Alejandro "Hey". I then shut my phone looked around my room and started to cry.

Alejandro's POV:

I waited for a taxi when finally one showed up. I told him where I was going and we drove off into the evening.

"So your Alejandro Burromuerto?". The driver asked.

"Yes that would be me". I replied.

It was silent for the rest of the ride as I was thinking of what it was going to be like coming home, how my family would react, I haven't seen them in almost a year and a half except for the one time they were forced to sign the release forms and I saw their worried faces through the eyes of the robot suit. The only person of my family I saw was my oldest brother José in the boxing challenge.

We arrived and I was dropped off. I walked to my house. I knocked on the door and who opened it was my little sister Cartia and she looked happy but also not happy to see me. "Hola Cartia". I smiled hugging her tightly.

"Hi". She simply said. "Mama's in the kitchen". she said as we both walked in to the kitchen. "Mama, guess who's home". Cartia said.

"Who hija?". My mother said still focused on what she was doing. "Hola Mama". My Mother turned around her face in shock she knew I got out of the robot suit when she saw the first episode of Total Drama All Stars when they sent home the episodes before they aired on TV to the families to see but she had not seen one of her kids in over 1 year. "Oh Alejandro mi hijo". She hugged me.

"I missed you so much hijo". She cried.

"I missed you too mama". I hugged her.

"How are you sweetie? your padre and I never wanted to sign those release forms". My mom kissed my cheek. "I know Mama, but I do have some news, Heather and I are official".

"Oh". My mom said sounding shocked. "Mama, I know she hurt me, but I love her". I have had girlfriends before that my mom was very uneasy about but I could tell by her expression that she was happy for me but still a bit unsure but my whole family knew Heather was the one and I knew it too and so did Heather.

"Alejandro?". My father came into kitchen he then walked over and hugged me. "Hijo I missed you". He smiled.

I then went upstairs to my cousin's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in". She yelled. I opened the door and she looked up at me. "Alejandro?".

"Hola Jewel". She ran up and hugged me and then Jewel's sister my other cousin Calissa came in. "Alejandro?" she said and then hugged me like Jewel did. "Hi auntie Karen". "Alejandro". She said as she looked up from her computer then got up and hugged me just glad I was home.

Heather's POV:

"Heather Feather". My mom came into see me crying on my bed. "Hi Mom". I said. "Honey I'm so sorry I talked your siblings they feel really bad". I sniffed. "Yay". I rolled my eyes. "And they really do mean it". My Mom said as my Dad walked in. "Heather I know we have told you this story about how you got your middle name but were going to tell you again". My Dad said. Then my Mom started to talk "When before we found out we were pregnant with you we found out that we had a blighted ovum where there was a fertilized egg with an empty sack with no baby and we didn't even know we were pregnant until we went to the doctor where we found out the embryo was empty, and we were sad and then a few months later we found out that we were pregnant with you we named you Heather after the flower and your middle name Lena we got from when I was a little girl and my mom your grandma would take me out to look at the stars and I would call the stars Lena with means light so you are special to us Heather Feather just like your siblings". My Mom finished talking as my parents hugged me. "I Love you guys". I said. "We Love you too". My parents said.

Alejandro's POV:

For the rest of the evening I didn't do anything mainly because I was having flashbacks of the robot suit which was happening a lot lately. Having those flashbacks made me cry and shake which never happened before with anything.

I was brought out of my thoughts and flashbacks when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in". I sighed.

The door opened and my mother walked in holding a tray. She set the tray on my bed and kissed my head and ran a hand through my hair. "This looks like it hasn't had proper washing in weeks and it's starting to become knotted". My mother frowned.

"Oh um sí, I didn't take care of it as much because I uh didn't have enough time". I lied.

"Alejandro". I mother glared at me.

"Fine it hurt to wash and brush my hair". I rubbed my head.

She gave me sympathetic look. "Alejandro, mi Hijo. Your just like your padre, you won't admit it, but somethings wrong".

"Madre, nothing is wrong". I laid in my bed.

I closed my eyes hearing. "Make sure you eat". My mother kissed my head.

I looked back at her as she walked out my door before eating and then falling asleep.

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