Insecurities Pt 1

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Alejandro's POV:

I walked into my weekly doctor's appointment. I had been having these doctor appointments for my burns for over a year now and my self esteem had been getting worse because of this. I used to love looking at myself in the mirror, but now I felt unattractive to myself.

I walked into the cold room and to the front desk. "Hello I'm here to see Doctor Maxwell" I said to the receptionist.

"Hello, yes here you are, Alejandro" the receptionist smiled. "As usual have a seat" she said.

I walked over to a seat. This place was meant for people recovering from burns and most people I have seen over this past year were only coming here for a few weeks because of slight burns. But me? I needed to make sure my burns were healing well. They were bad and I knew.

Everyone tried to tell me I looked good, I know I didn't. Especially Heather.

"Alejandro?" The nurse asked.

I stood up and followed her. The same questions were asked until the doctor came in.

"Well hello Alejandro, nice to see you" he smiled.

I managed a weak smile. "Hello doctor"

"How are you feeling today?" He asked

"Well" I wanted to get out of here quick.

"That's good, well I have good news, no more weekly appointments, just monthly" he smiled.

"Oh well thank you doctor" I replied.

After arriving home, I walked into the bedroom to see Heather putting on her blouse. Her hair was wet and she looked up and smiled. "How was it?"

"Well, I don't have to go every week anymore, just monthly" I replied.

"Oh that's great" she hugged and kissed me. "I'm gonna make lunch". She kissed me again and walked to the kitchen.


I sighed looking at my shirtless self in the mirror. I was still fit but there were patches of burn scars. I felt ugly and gross. My body looked so gross. I looked at my long sleeve shirt on the bathroom counter and grabbed it when I heard a voice. "There you are" I heard Heather and fumbled putting my shirt on.

"Alejandro it's just me, I've seen way more of you than just your shirt off" she smirked but I stayed silent. "Hey what's wrong?" She walked up to me.

"Nothing" I replied trying to sound fine and content but Heather caught on.

"Is this-Is this about your burn scars" she rubbed my chest. I stayed silent. "Alejandro" her voice was calm. She removed my shirt and ran a finger on a few of my scars.

Her hand was cold. "Alejandro are you insecure?" Her question caught me off guard.

"What? No" I backed away.

"Alejandro I know you are, your ego is just to big to admit it" she smirked.

I didn't speak, I just stayed put. "Alejandro?" She asked.

"I'm going to go to bed" I walked in the bedroom to get my pajamas.

"See your ego is to big to admit it" I heard her say.

"I AM NOT INSECURE" I screamed. Her eyes widened. I rarely yelled at her before. "Lo siento mi amor" I walked to our closet.

"Fine" I heard Heather say as she walked out of our room.

I sighed looking at the door. But I wasn't insecure. I was confident. I had to be. I am a Burromuerto.

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