Happy Food!

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To all those who have been waiting.

Thanks for 13k btw!

It was one bright Wednesday, where all the other five brothers have things to do outside and Jungkook and his little duplicate will be staying home together. Since they were completely free for the day.

All the brothers left one by one, and Jin was the last to leave the house after making some simple lunch for the two youngest.

"Okay Jungkook, I'm leaving and Yoongi is fully under your care. If anything came different to my eyes when I got home, you better be ready." he finished with a glare, kissing focused Yoongi towards the television and leave.

Jungkook couldn't help but to choke on his banana milk.

"That sounds too scary." said Jungkook to himself. "Yoongi-ah! You better help me with this. Or I might get killed by Jinnie."

"Uhuh." that was the only reply he got. Since they had their lunch, Jungkook gathered some books to finished up some works at the living room. Yoongi was sitting by his small table, having the television turned on with Dora the Explorer and his hands busy coloring the new pages of his coloring book.

Once in awhile, he would shifted his focus to Dora. The afternoon went well, with Yoongi definitely avoiding making any trouble by minimalizing his activity. After Dora the Explorer end, Yoongi fell deep into his nap time on the couch, not even stir when Jungkook change the channel to Iron man movie with good volume level.

About an hour later, Yoongi woke up from his nap. "Kookie."

"yes?" he kept his focus on his iron man.

"wan Dowa."

"Dowa over."

"wan Dowa" he said again. Insisting.

First sign of possible upcoming tantrum. Dora on the rescue!!!!

Jungkook quickly took him phone and open Dora the Explorer through YouTube channel. His hand make it fast to handle the phone to Yoongi who has change his spot into laying on his front beside Jungkook on the carpet.

The continue staying in peace for more than half an hour later, dealing with their own matters.

Yoongi have watched two episodes of Dora (the short one) when he accidently clicked on a random video.

He thought maybe some other cartoon movie will appear but instead he saw a man standing in a kitchen and talking.

It's hardly to understand when the man talking in words that quite a new term for him but somehow, Yoongi got interested. He got curious what will the man make in the kitchen.

The man was explaining and mentioning the list of ingredient needed and Yoongi fully focus.

"what are you watching baby?"

"Cooking. Look!" showed Yoongi. Since his iron man movie has ended, Jugkook soon joined Yoongi laying on the carpet and watched the cooking video.

The comment this and that upon looking st the delicious meal shown. After one cooking video to another, the came to a compilation cooking video which the recipe consist of simple recipes that anybody can make.

Yoongi look at the clock. He just learnt to read the clock and check the time. He only manage to at least know the hour and not the minutes but that is an achievement considering he just learnt it.

The clock shows 3 in a daylight. His other brothers will be back by 4.


"Hmm.." jungkook stay focus on the videos.

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