The Ugly Duckling

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Hello darlings ~

"Okay, now let's rinse your mouth." Said Namjoon, who was standing beside Yoongi - who's standing on the stool while they both facing the bathroom mirror and brushed their teeth to call the night off.

Like previously said , everybody putting on efforts for new chapter and to get the child open up more to them. The brightest improvement they got so far was the smile he gave during the last coloring session with Jungkook or when jungkook came home that one day, and presented Yoongi with a set of a colouring book and crayons. (Jungkook was so excited, it's like he found his other half).

Yoongi still being independent on his own. Sometimes when there weren't people close around, when he wanted something, he get them on his own.

Like climbing onto the cabinet to get a cup and that nearly got Seokjin a heart attck. He reminded himself to make sure there's cup for the child on some lower area so the child won't repeat the same climbing session.

Yoongi didn't really called for help. He used to do things on his own and that was one of the things they were trying to fix, to make him know that he can alwasy asked for their help. No matter what.

Seokjin left and after a while he went back to Yoongi's room, and found Namjoon helping Yoongi for bed.

"Have you brushed your teeth?" Asked Seokjin, although he saw they did just now. He was just trying to talk more to Yoongi, like the doctor advised them to do, interact with the kid more eventhough he barely respond, so he can slowly learn to open up to them.

Yoongi nodded to Seokjin's question as he lie down onto the bed. The room very plain, since they haven't decorate it with anything yet. They decided to let Yoongi choose the decoration himself when he's ready.

"Good boy! It's time for bed sweetie. Good night." Seokjin tucked the blanket to cover Yoongi to his chest who barely kept his eyes open at the moment , and kissed him good night. So did Namjoon.

And they walked out the room, not before turning on the night light for him as they watched him closed his eyes and fell into deep slumber.


Seokjin turned around on his bed, trying to get comfortable. It's 2 in the morning and it's so hard to get a good sleep. Few minutes later he heard whimpering sounds.

He really thought it was just his imagination until he heard sobs followed afterwards. And his brother instinct immediately jolted him wide awake.

He knew it was Yoongi , so he wasted no time getting up from bed, and immediately sprinted towards the room.

Seokjin opened the door to the youngest room and he don't even bother to turned the light on. The night light was enough to give him a clear view of sobbing Yoongi, hiccuping in between his sobs and his face full of tears stain.

He saw Seokjin, and he clasped his hands together while sobbing, probably trying to say he was sorry for waking Seokjin up. (He have been doing that from beginning. Clasping his hands together to say sorry whenever he feel like he did wrong.)

Seokjin went quick to pick up the boy and cradled him close. He hug Yoongi close to his chest, letting the kid taking some time to calm down. He rubbed his back to sooth him, worrying that Yoongi might hurt himself with his sobbing and hiccuping.

He didn't stop telling yoongi that he don't have to say sorry and that he's fine. It took a couple minutes until Yoongi calmed down and only left with occasional remaining sobs.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking at the boy straight to the eyes.

Yoongi nodded.

"Were you having nightmare?"

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