Waay Too Fast

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here some boring chapter for u

The more times they spent with the little one, the more things they discovered about him.

One of it was that Yoongi is a very fast learner. The happiest and the most excited to be was Namjoon. He's a hot nerd and he was happy to know that there another person potentially to join his nerd club.

Yoongi love books. He loves toys and he also love animals. He sometimes love helping Jin cooking as well. Being even more excited if he can help in baking.

They consider Yoongi as another genius in the family. He seems to have a little bit fragments of each of his brothers. Cooking with Jin, learning with Namjoon, dancing with Hoseok and Jimin (not the actual dance. He usually just shake his butt to the music but he seems to enjoy it a lot), he have a little bit acting talent taking from Taehyung, proven when they saw him playing war with his toys, yeah, all kids do that but the emotion he portrays when he execute one of the toy warrior from his galaxy ship was something else. He also enjoy arts, learning from Jungkook.

And he being himself, he enjoy nature. Animals especially.

Before, Namjoon loves buying storybooks for him. Those book was read every bedtime by each brothers.

Until one day, they heard Yoongi singing to the alphabet songs. Hoseok was first to notice that singing. Few alphabets was being said clearly and some just turned into a hum but nevertheless he was impressed. Yoongi have heard that song few times from the kids show and he was able to memorize quite well.

Later that night he told Namjoon. Namjoon was curious to test Yoongi. So he grabbed a piece of paper and messily jotted down the alphabets.

He called Yoongi over and started to point to random alphabets. He could say almost 80% of the alphabets Yoongi got right. So the next day, Namjoon came home with new books for Yoongi, all books for learning.

They spent every day for at least half an hour for Yoongi to learn. If Yoongi is in a good mood, they could spent a few hours on it.


Yoongi woke up early and decided to join Seokjin in the kitchen. Right now, Yoongi was sitting at the dining table with a bowl of cereals with Jin preparing breakfast for the others.

"A!" Yoongi said as he scooped a piece of cereal with the said letter.

"A for...?"Jin tested while he was making pancakes.

"Apple!" he exclaimed excitedly, with his legs dangling from the chair.

"Good job!"

"What apple?" Jungkook came to the kitchen with his messy bed hair and sleepy face, immediately took a seat next to Yoongi.

"This! Apple! "Said Yoongi, shoving his spoon to Jungkook's view, showing another A in the spoon as he just ate the previous one.

"Wow~ you so smart! Can you show me which one is Kookie?" Jungkook tried to challenge. Yoongi was feeling proud for being complimented, so he definitely didn't want to fail this one challenge.

He stared into the bowl, watching the alphabets floating around the bowl. The he spotted the letter and scooped it with his poon and showed to Jungkook.

"You're right!" then Jungkook eat it.


Jungkook just stick his tongue out to Yoongi and Yoongi did the same. Now who was the kid?


"Stay still baby" Jimin said as he made Yoongi standing straight, back leaning to the wall. "I'm going to mark your height for this month."

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