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It's almost weekend but everybody quite preoccupied with their own works still. Namjoon with his producing company, hoseok and Jimin busy running in their shared dance academy ( hoseok own it but along with jimin as his so called partner) , Taehyung with his drama shooting and Jungkook with classes.

Meanwhile Seokjin was also preoccupied in writing his upcoming novel where he certainty dying and must make sure to finish at least 3 chapters on this week.

But to all those siblings pleasure, they were definitely thankful that Seokjin kinda have a freelance kind of job, which make it free them from thinking where to leave the youngest while they were at work and while their parents will be stayed in the US for who knows how many more months.

Speaking of the youngest, Seokjin eyed Yoongi from a distance. Yoongi who was adopted by their father and step mom about a few months ago and unfortunately have to stay with them for now since the US traveling issue.

Yoongi wasn't accepted by them for couple reasons but they all realized that it wasn't his fault. He didn't ask for that and upon realizing that fact and realizing how foolish they were being to a child, they were slowly trying to change themselves and started accepting.

Though it still awkward and off somewhere. They ought to try.

Seokjin watched how the child walked out from his room ( that was located right beside Seokjin's), with sleepy eyes, making beeline towards the closest bathroom.

He open the bathroom door and left it slightly ajar, where Seokjin can still watched him. The eldest saw how the child grab a stool and dragged it with his small hands towards the sink and climbed it.

He hasn't realize how his heart seemed to beat a bit faster, worrying for the child safety. He watched entirely. How the child with full effort brushing his teeth (a bit messily still) and then wash his face with his small hands.

There was a bit too much water and he scrubbed too much and his bangs certainly got wet, making it look like he just drown them into the sink.

The large apartment echoed with the sound of the stoll being dragged back to its place and then Yoongi came out from the bathroom. Seokjin went quick to grab the nearest clean towel and dried Yoongi's bangs for him. (Yoongi did dried his face but certainly forgot about his hair)

"You hungry?" Asked Seokjin. A question that sounds kinda dumb considering that Yoongi just woke up and he certainty hungry for breakfast. But nonetheless, the child nodded timidly with his for eyes staring at his hyung.

"Let's go to the kitchen and get you some breakfast."

The breakfast went well with silence and Seokjin asking Yoongi once in awhile about some drinks or more food which certainly declined since that kid not really a big eater.

After bath, Yoongi was sat at the living room with the television on, playing Go Diego Go (it was my favorite) and holding his whale plushie that was gifted by their parents and a few colorful blocks.

He was so engrossed in between watching the cartoon and playing with the only two toys he have. So Seokjin left for awhile, settling all housework and definitely leave some that supposed to be done by the person in charge himself.

The whole apartment was quiet except for the sounds from the television and from Seokjin doing the housework. He wasn't expecting some sort of shout or such that was normal for children at Yoongi's age because Yoongi didn't talk.

Once in awhile, Seokjin will went back to the living room to check on Yoongi and then continue back with his works.

It was around 2pm when Seokjin was on cleaning the kitchen after preparing some small lunch for him and the youngest when they heard the door opened.

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