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Also I'm too lazy to check for any errors.

Hoseok push the button again. Checking for new texts.

None. Though he felt like he heard some notification sound. Or was he just imagining things?

Check click on the chatting app again. Checking for the said name.

Seen? Nope.
Reply? What was he even expecting.

These past few weeks weren't being good to him.  It was stressful and even dreadful. His relationship wavering.

In his opinion. His focus was all over the place. He wake up everyday unmotivated. He spent his times waiting for replies. Or just staring into spaces.


He heard the notification and wiickly turned on back his phone which he didn't even realised it was off. Yoona name appeared and he open up the chat box right away.

His heart beating hard. At some point he felt a little bit suffocated.

Yoona : you're bringing up this issue over again. I'm getting bored.

Bored? She thinks these wavering situation between them was a boring topic?

Hoseok quickly replied back. Asking if he did anything wrong. If yes, he would gladly apologise.  Hoseok wasn't one holding up on his ego.

When she asked back why would he kept asking if he did wrong, he point out how she spent less time with him. Why she barely talk to him at class. Why late night chats getting less day by day.

He saw the upper bar stated that Yoona was still online. She read his text but then she was offline.

He was getting frustrated again. He wanted to call her badly, wanting direct answer from her but he was holding back hard. Not wanting to seems forceful. Demanding.

So he held back.

"Seok-ah!" Seokjin suddenly called.

"what?!" he replied. Just telling from his room. Seokjin peeked from his room door.

"I'm going out. Yoongi is watching cartoon in the living room. Everybody else already went out."

Today, everybody schedule quite pack. Save for Hoseok alone who took day off from classes. And as told, it will be just him and Yoongi today. But he doubt the day off would be anymore peaceful when things between him and his girlfriend still like that.

"alright." that's all he said.

"call me if anything."Seokjin said as he wake his way to the front door. Hoseok back to stare at his phone again when he heard Seokjin telling Yoongi to be good today and Yoongi bidding goodbye excitedly back.

Yoongi spent almost two hours later staying fixed on the couch, watching series of Go Diego Go,  continued with Spongebob Square pants.

The end song was rolling when Yoongi roamed his hand around, looking for his sippy cup with his eyes still fixed on the television. After awhile (which not even that long) he found it.

But his water has finished.

Yoongi tore his gaze away, looking around. He knew Seokie will be the only one staying home today but he haven't seen him anywhere.

So Yoongi hop down from the couch backward holding his sippy cup on one hand and Shooky on the other. His small feet padded through the house and went to Seokie's.

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