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*I wanted to give u guys some kind of Christmas gift. So here you go!
P/s: it's not Christmas theme.

The pitter patter of  the heavy rain on the glass giving loud and clear sounds throughout the almost empty apartment.

There, the kid and one of his brother, sitting right in front of the glass and staring to the gloomy view. Not that gloomy but still... Yeah.

"It's raining." stated Yoongi.

"I can see that." replied Namjoon.

"Boring day then." he replied again.

They keep staring outside. The rain was getting heavier. Yoongi puffed his cheeks, and blew onto the glass. The hot air blurred a circle onto the glass and Yoongi aimlessly making pattern with hsi finger.

"Let's view it on the good side baby, its a beautiful view and it's time for us to take a moment to enjoy one of the natural weather. Consider it sort of a meditation." said him, as if Yoongi really understand what's meditation is.

" What...meedii.. Teetation? " he asked.

Right. How can you tell a kid to meditate.

" What about we play some games?" he recommended. But Yoongi replied with uninterested shrug." only we two. Not fun"

"What people usually do when the weather is like this?"

"sleep." said the younger. But again, both of them just woke up from short nap just now. Before everybody else started going out to attend to their matters.

"Should we eat?" Namjoon tried.

"Chocolate!!" Yoongi exclaimed. Jinnie usually make him hot chocolate during weather like this.

Great! Namjoon got some agreement. Well, you can't let a kid stay doing nothing for a very long period and then started feeling bored. Staring boredom usually not really a good sign.

But still, it can't be just hot chocolate. There must be something else to do. He could put on some show on TV. But definitely gonna be Yoongi's favourite.

He got to do some justice for himself. They really should be doing something that they both will enjoy.

He stared out the glass, thinking. This household sometimes tend to bring home something ridiculous. There should be at least something to use or play. Namjoon look around. Noticing the gloomy living room that gonna be too bright with the light on at times like this.

And then he stared at Yoongi's makeshift tent. Made from some large blanket (with Jin's approval), tied with a string in the centre and hung to the ceiling. There's some cloth pegs used to make the opening of the tent stay open. Inside, were filled with another blanket as some sort of flooring, put on top of some Styrofoam to make it 'cushiony', and filled with a comfortable amounts of pillows.

And then he was reminded of the day Taehyung brought back a white screen, that usually used for DIY movie theatre at home. It wasn't too big but bigger enough than the TV and clear enough with a simple projector.

And now he definitely have an idea. It's a movie day, and he was sure that they both going to enjoy the movie.


A few minutes of struggling (on Namjoon's part) and Yoongi who did aided in a few parts.

They managed to set up the whole things in order. Went through a bit of screaming from both of them and hiding under the kitchen table when there was a thunder, and started running our collecting stuffs again went the battlefield was clear.

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