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Hi guys, how are you?

"It's just some toys." Jungkook had that thought in his head before he went to sleep. But knew he cannot expect Yoongi to exactly have the mind like people in teen and adult age.

Although he could not brain it, he knew what had happened really upset the younger. The next morning, he went to check on Yoongi but the younger was still sleeping and Jungkook had a tight schedule suddenly with practice. Now that the big match is getting closer, their coach doubles up the amount of practice on them.

He has been desperate for day off and weekend has never feel so excited but everything have been thrown down in the drain. He was hoping to reconcile with Yoongi as soon as possible but the time wasn't in his favor. Jungkook know that what happen wasn't much of a big thing in adult perspective, soon in a few days onwards, Yoongi might even naturally reconcile with him, even though he is totally sulking now. But words from Namjoon (ever the smartest brain in the whole family. Even the eldest questioned if Namjoon was fed with encyclopedia pieces when he was a baby), Yoongi is in the age of learning. He is growing up and kids at that age quick to learn things that happen in their surroundings. Some of which can affect the version of themselves in the future.

And Jungkook definitely not going to let himself being the bad example to that little angel, so apologizing is a must do thing.

Jin was enjoying his coffee when Jungkook came into the kitchen and grab a piece of bread. "I thought you have no practice on weekend...?"

"Supposedly yes, but coach Seo wanted us to train more before the match this Monday. So, I had to go anyway."

"What time you will be back home?"

"I don't know yet. Hopefully not too late. By the way hyung, please tell Yoons I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to him this morning but... You know.."

"Don't worry about it. That kid will cool down when you talk to him soon."

"He seems really pissed off with me last night." Jungkook then take a look at his watch and gasped at the time, "Got to go! Bye hyung!"


The front door opened and Jungkook walk in carrying his bag and his sport shoes tied together by the shoe laces, hanging by his hand. His hair stuck to his forehead and he looks horrid to the view of his siblings who were at the living room.

" Wow~ you look horrible." said Jimin who came out from the kitchen and followed by Jin.

"You're home so late today. It's already close to dinner time." he said.

"Well, extra hours taken for game preparation. Definitely not fun." and he walked straight line to his room to clean up.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Make sure you come down to eat or I will drag you here." warned Jin as he knew how Jungkook often fell asleep after clean up whenever he have long practices.

" ugh gosh! My brain ~~" groaned Jungkook rubbing his face and stretched his hands upwards then groaned.

Luck wasn't on his side when his team was pushing for so much extra practices and his teachers had the idea to sign up assignment with a close due date. Which was the reason why Jungkook wasn't asleep after clean up like Jin had mentioned.

After dinner he immediately went back to his room and start checking on the assignments. Of course he wasn't really diligent students like some of the classmates, but with the situation currently, it's best to have things drafted first, writing them down next and then finalize with some correction before submitting them before it's due the day after tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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