Sick Day!

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It's my big day today and I wanted to entertain you guys. Even just a bit.

"Jinnie! 'm done!" Yoongi shouted from the dining table sitting comfortably on his chair. Jin turned from doing the dishes and saw Yoongi' s plate actually not yet clear. As usual.

"Yoongi-ah, there's still some more food there. Why not finish them all? Just a little bit more."

Yoongi made a whining sound and stretching lazily from his chair. " I'm full." and he grinned. Jin took the excuse and dismissed the kid to go to the living room to join his other brothers.

Jin knock it off eventhough Yoongi usually left behind some vegetables, but never his favourite chicken nugget.

Yoongi ran to the living room and threw himself straight on top of Hosoek who huffed as he catched Yoongi. "Did you finish your food?" he asked as he put his arms around Yoongi small body, hugging him close.

"Yeah!" Yoongi exclaimed.


"Just a little bit only" Yoongi said when Hoseok gave him one raised eyebrow. He even made a sign using his thumb and point finger to indicate the little phrase.

" I was full." he added.

"The tickle monster is here!!!!" Jungkook appeared suddenly and started ticked Yoongi who thrashing and kicking everywhere and laughing while trying to get Jungkook away from him.

This tickle monster is something.

Jungkook was getting closer to yoongi who still in Hoseok hold. It was unalamred. Jungkook engrossed in his tickle monster character and then suddenly he was hit with a quick wave of sneeze straight to his face.

"I win." Yoongi grinned sheepishly. And everybody around were laughing loud at Jungkook's dumbfounded look.


The next morning, everybody went out for work except for Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Who both were free from schedule for the week. Taehyung took the job on waking up Yoongi from the deep slumber when every other people already off to work.

And currently he was sitting at the living room  with his breakfast plate. Jin and Taehyung were at the kitchen. Few minutes later, Yoongi came into the kitchen with unfinish breakfast plate.

"Again? You rarely not finish your food baby. What's wrong? " asked Jin as he took the plate from Yoongi and putting it in the sink.

"Tummy feel weird." said the kid.

"Weird? What kind of weird?" Jin asked and immediately answered with Yoongi squelched out a wave of vomit, which was the breakfast he just ate.

"oh god!" Jin quickly went to Yoongi who was being forward and retching some more liquid and Taehyung grab a towel to wipe Yoongi's mouth.

"What happen?" Jungkook suddenly appeared and was shocked to see the situation. Yoongi was crying while Jin taking off his spoiled pyjama shirt and start wiping him clean with a wet towel.

" Someone got an upset stomach it seems." Taehyung said as he help Jin gathered the dirty cloth and clean the floor. Yoongi sobbing silently as he tucked his head by Jin's neck. Jin rubbing his back softly.

" Let's get some change clothes for you yeah baby? And maybe get some more nap. "Jin carried Yoongi to his room and Taehyung stayed to clear the kitchen with Jungkook's help.

As he got into the room, Yoongi was left occasionally sniffing, probably from feeling uncomfortable with the sudden upset flu. He still made an effort to choose a new shirt with elephant print and grey colored.

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