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*mention Who tagged you
*do it less than 3 days
*say 10 things about yourself
*tag 28 people
*tell a joke
*write a spoiler for one of your stories
*put these rules in your tag

The very first time I got tagged. I'm touched T.T

1. Mention who tagged you

chittaprrrgguk  thank you for tagging me . Sobs

2. Do it less than 3 days.

I did it right away though

3. Say 10 things about yourself

- I'm old.

- I have a bachelor degree in aquatic science and Resource Management. I finished my thesis, I was surprised.

-i start writing since I was 12 years old. How I start? I watched a movie called "read it and weep". I Alwasy have wide imagination. And I think to tell that to people is embarrassing. But it such a waste not to share, and that movie inspired me that all imagination could be told through writing !

-i enjoy arts a lot ! I've been trying to share it here but I think my line was trolling me and the pics won't load. I'll try again when it's available. I've love arts since childhood. But I never try to improve it on another level. I just draw, basically a rough sketch. There was no improvement. I finished my degree, and on 2019, I made a goal with a friend. My goal was 'to be able to draw at least one of the boys (yoongi especially). I watched lots of tutorials since then, I saved my monthly salary to collect more art stuffs. My collection is growing and I'm so happy. It never feel enough hahahah. My account in Instagram called @itsjanejeni if you guys want to check out.

-i start drawing pictures of Yoonie as in Yoonie of this book though.

-i always feel  that I'm a failure though. I don't really grow in positive environment but still there's love and support.

-im single. I only had a relationship once and it only lasted for 7 months hahaha

-i used to love photography. I like pretty pictures but kinda stop with it when I always take good picture of people and they took trash of mine

-i can't swim. Much least expected for a marine science student hahah

- I used to dance, acting and even singing.

-i stood up for myself sometimes but then I regret when people start getting away from me. Maybe I shouldn't  have stood up?

4. Tag 28 people.

Sorry can't do that. I don't have much friends hahah but here's some


5. Tell a joke

I'm pretty (that's very funny )

6. Write a spoiler

Well, Yoonie is actually smart and enjoy learning a lot!

7. I've put rules in the beginning

That's all! Till again !

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