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this might gonna be full of errors but i hope you guys won't mind. i'll edit them some other days. I've spent the whole day writing 4k worth chapter.

thanks to @sugafan24 for your suggestion. It was really helpful. I changed it slightly to make it more fit to the chapter. I hope you won't mind. 

So far being around his new family, Yoongi have never show any tantrum, except for a few occasional whines and refusal. But that day, was the very first day that they should have known, Yoongi is just like any other kid (which they never deal and never have experienced with), he have tantrums day.

How was it to begin with?

Yoongi woke up that one day, feeling like something was wrong but he didn't know what it was. It feels like something is missing within him, making his whole mind feel incomplete. He didn't woke up with rush of adrenaline like he usually does.

But Yoongi ignore it and wake up for breakfast as usual.

Yoongi went straight to the kitchen and his eldest brother already there, sipping his coffee with Namjoon.

"Good morning baby~" Jin immediately greeted Yoongi, who was walking while scratching his eyes with his pajama sleeve, Jin was sure that Yoongi didn't exactly looking at where he was heading.

Yoongi was so close to bump onto a wall before Jin quickly picked him up and have him settled on his lap at the dining table.

"Still sleepy?" asked Jin and get a tired nod from Yoongi. He leaning in closer to Jin and his eyes were getting droopy again.

"You're going now Joon?" Yoongi hear Jin asked, and then he heard chair being pushed. He immediately opened his eyes back and he saw Namjoon waking up from the dining table, grabbing the backpack he always carry around for work and straight to the sink to wash his hands, ready to go to work.

Yoongi jolted awake from leaning in, "Joonie~" he called, whining. Yoongi extended his right arm to Namjoon.

"Owh, I'm sorry baby. I have to go to work now. I'll see you in the evening okay?" Namjoon said to Yoongi. He kissed Yoongi's cheek before bidding goodbye and go out of the apartment. Yoongi expression right completely full of dullness. He keep staring at the front door as if Namjoon would burst in back. Jin was feeling bad though, he get why Yoongi was looking so dull like that. Namjoon have been very busy this week.

Schedule was so hectic, there were days Namjoon had to go to work early and only came home when the youngest already went to bed. There were some days, Namjoon came home early but continue to work at home.

"Yoonie-ah." Jin whispered to his ear, acting as if he was telling a big secret and not wanting anybody to hear when there were only them there. Yoongi was cut from his staring session and he turned his head, looking a Jin.

"Do you want banana milk?" Jin asked, grinning.


"Come on baby. Kookie doesn't have to know." Jin smiled cheekily. Bringing Yoongi. Stealing Jungkook's food always make him happy.

And Yoongi smirking cheekily back.


After breakfast, it was left only Yoongi and Jin at home as always. Yoongi look around, it sounds too quiet.

Yoongi sit by his play corner in the living room, where there were lots of his toys placed (other than his room). Sometimes Yoongi would just drag his toys of choice and play at the main area, in front of the television.

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