Cookie !

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There's a few moments of true happiness in Yoongi's life. Definition of happiness to him.

Yoongi first knew what happiness is was when mommy first came to the orphanage. When mommy decided to play with him, colouring and sketching. When mommy decided to keep talking to him and made him smile after so long even he never replied to whatever mommy said. But nevertheless, Yoongi witnessed happiness that day.

Yoongi knew happiness again when mommy came one day with a fish doll (the whale plushie). Yoongi didn't knew happiness can be accelerated but he felt happiness burst within him when mommy said that one sentence.

"Yoongi-ah, do you want to come home with me?"

Home. Where Yoongi discover that happiness is so wide and varied and it was too hard to choose one.

Next happiness? When he have a parents. Mommy and daddy. He's happy when mommy made him delicious meal everytime. He's happy when daddy carried him on his back and playing catch with mommy.

He's happy in every seconds with mommy and daddy.

Yoongi feel like his happiness box within him already full. Seemed like the box will burst open but he was also happy with his brothers. They are fun !

It's fun to play with all of them. So many games. Sometimes when they asked him what game he wanted to play, he just couldn't choose one. He wanted to play them all.

His happiness box burst and to have the happiness overflowed is even better.

But now to yoongi, right in that moment think that he will be the happiest kid ever if he could get another piece of cookie.

In the plastic jar on the top shelf. Looking so tasty with the chips and nuts. It looks like they are calling him over and over again and he's dying to have another piece of it.

"Hyung, he still staring at the cookies." Said Jimin, who was intensely looking at Yoongi that was seated beside him at the dining table.

It has been 10 minutes and he hasn't stop staring.

"No Jimin. As cute as he can be, we shouldn't give him too much sweets. It's not good for him." Jin replied while adding spices into the stew he was making for their lunch.

"Can't we just give him one more? I feel bad though." Jimin sighed. He felt so bad looking at Yoongi staring at the cookies like that.

He's pouting and his eyes shining with cuteness and -

"No. It's a no and Alwasy no." Jin stated once again. Gosh! Everybody were so whipped for that kid.

He's included though but maybe not over whipped enough to give him another cookies which really not a great idea.

Also, their mom might kill him if he did. She set how much cookies the youngest could have and she stated that too much sugar definitely do no good for Yoongi.

"Yoonie honey." Jin called. And for the first time, Yoongi broke his contact with the cookies jar. He's looking at his hyung with curious eyes.

"How about you go and play with Minnie and I will call you when lunch is ready okay?" He said, smiling when he noticed Yoongi glanced at the cookies once again.

Eventually Yoongi nodded and brought himself down from his chair with his brother's help. He held Jimin's hand, while the other hand occupied with the whale and he dragged Jimin out from the kitchen.

"Let's see if Taetae and Kookie wanna play with us too yeah?" Said Jimin while walking out from the said space and get and excited "kay! " from Yoongi.

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