To The Animal Land!

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* Koo and the Giant Carrot* by me.

I'm sorry everyone. I know I haven't update for more than a month. I totally went into writer block but I hope you guys would enjoy this chapter!

Once upon a night...

" 'I am sorry' said the tiger. The giraffe feel so happy because the tiger apologies." read Namjoon.

"cool! Awe.... Are..... They... Fwiend?" asked Yoongi who have the habit to ask in between story telling session.

"Hold on baby. We're getting there." Namjoon chuckled. "The giraffe accept the apology. And from that on, Tiger and Girrafe become a very close friend. Tiger no longer bullying Giraffe and they protect each other and stay together. The end." and Namjoon flip off the book page. Back to the front cover with a few illustration of animals decorating it.

" Mr Tiger is.... Vewwy nice. I like him! " exclaimed Yoongi while pointing to the tiger on the front cover.

" oh really? "

" yeah! I like Mr giwwafe too!"


"and Miss Bunny! "

"... "

" Baby monkey too!"

The list go on and Yoongi almost list all the animals on the front cover when Namjoon finally stopped him.

" alright baby. I'm sure you like all animals." Namjoon put aside the story book on the bedside table. He pat the pillows and moved Yoongi to lay down comfortably.

"Yoonie like animal. All animal" said the younger. He accept the whale plushie with an open arm, quickly hugging it close. Namjoon lay on his side, supporting his head with his left arm, while his right patting Yoongi gently.

Yoongi usually fell asleep halfway through bedtime story (they meant on a certain lucky day) but it seemed like today isn't one of it.

"Joonie..." Yoongi called and look straight at Namjoon. Looking like he was thinking on something very hard while fiddling with Willie's bead eye.

"yes sweetie."

"Mr Tiger... And Mr Giwwafe... They... Weal?" he asked.

" of course they are baby!"

"Nevew see." he said short. It clicked to Namjoon. Yoongi might have never heard about some of the animals before. With the life, and rough moment, he doubt anybody have spent any time inteoducing the previous kid to the world wonder.

" real Mr Girraffe is very very tall you know." said Namjoon, bolding the word tall in his head. Saying it in a manner to gain Yoongi's interest.

Yoongi gasped. "weally?!" he asked.

"yeah! And Mr Tiger is very cool."

"wooowwww~" Yoongi visually imagined and couldn't help but feel amazed with such facts. He wish he could really see it. Really see how tall the Girraffe is and how cool tiger could be.

Yoongi amazed glistening eyes weakened Namjoon's heart. He deserve a lot more than what he had before.

"Yoonie wan see them." Yoongi's eyes getting droopy, sleepiness overpowering him.

" You will see them soon baby. Now, sleep."


"Honey bun!"


"pumpkin pie!"

"what's with all the food calling?" asked Namjoon, peeking out from his room door.

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