Yoonie is A Brat

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Surprise? Hehehe. This is actually much unplanned. Next update was supposed to be on something else. But I still didn't get the whole plot complete, so it took me awhile to work on that chapter.

I feel like writing this one around half an hour ago in regard that it's my birthday soon. Right on August 18th, I was born. So I think I could make a little gift for myself (and you guys too of course).

This chapter will be just a simple chapter, just so you guys can get an UwU from our dearest Yoonie.

Yoongi is a brat.

A cute one.

Nevertheless still a brat.


Well, it's more like he knew that he have his hyungs wrapped around his tiny little fingers.

The earliest days when Yoongi first came home, he was a complete different person. A trauma can turned someone to be over defensive or overly timid.

For Yoongi, he was timid. When he came home, he cornered himself close to his mommy. Feeling anxious at the new place and scared to the new faces. He barely even ate, seemingly too scared to have a bite of food prepared for him. His look to his mommy that time was like asking for permission to eat.

It took a while to convince him to eat.

He's making more progress though now.

We take a look on this first case.
The cookies.

Yoongi knew there's a limit of how much of sweets he can take in a day. But cookies look too delicious that day and he's badly dying to have some more.

"No Yoongi. You already have a few just now. If you want to more you have to wait for tomorrow." Said Seokjin, having a tight grip on the cookies jar. He tried to look strict (tried). Making his frown extra visible.

Yoongi look up, standing in front of Seokjin at the kitchen, looking up to his hyung "Jush...one..." he said. Lifting his index finger, signaling one, while the other hand gripping on his shirt.

"I said no." Seokjin repeated.

"..One..." he said once more. Eyes drooping, voice came out lower and lower. However, Seokjin didn't want to give in and he showed strictness in his eyes.

Yoongi's hand dropped down, now having both hand gripping his shirt. His gaze turned downwards and His right leg lifted up slightly and rubbing his left one. The situation turned quiet a little bit. Yoongi lifted his head and face Seokjin once again hoping for a little something but Seokjin stayed looking strict.

Yoongi's pout became more visible, he turned his heels, away from Seokjin and started to walk out of the kitchen, very slowly.

As slow as he could.

Looking at the pout, it slightly make Seokjin feeling guilty. Bu when Yoongi turned away, walking out of the kitchen, Seokjin knew he broke his strict wall.

"Yoongi." He called.

The said kid quickly turned back, facing Seokjin. It was obvious he was trying to hide his winning grin but gave his best at it.

"Just one. Okay?" said Seokjin. Yoongi nodded frantically, eyes now started to glow with excitement. The glow increases when Seokjin started to uncapped the jar lid and take out a piece of cookie.

He handed the cookie to Yoongi, who accepted with both hands.

Once the cookie safely landed on his hand, the gummy smile appeared. He look at Seokjin briefly become sprinting gout of the kitchen to the living room shouting 'Yeah!!!'

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