Chapter 8: Moving in with One Direction

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See a picture of their house on the right hand side -->


Lauren's POV

Wow was all I could say. This time Mandy had really out done herself. She had rented a MANSION and I repeat a MANSION.

"Wow Mandy!" I said as I eyed the house in interest.

"You like? It took a couple of phone calls but it was worth it." Her hair bounced on her shoulders as she bubbled out her life to me I only caught a couple of things she said.

"I love Mandy! Where's One direction?" I asked her as Camila appeared beside me things between her and Ally were still tense over the whole Harry Styles thing.

"They're not here yet." Whispered Camila into my ear.

"Okay everyone" Mandy called out, "get your suitcases. We are heading in!"

Everyone grouped up beside me as we grabbed our six month suitcases and dragged it inside the huge house. If I thought it was big outside it was even bigger inside.

"Wow!" I heard Ally gasp beside me, "this is gorgeous!"

"I know Mandy definitely out did herself." Said Normani from the left of me.

As we walked through the huge entrance I passed several rooms with piano's and guitars I guessed which were for Niall. Their were mics and recording studio's, lounges and two kitchens and that was just the first floor. Mandy led us up the stairs onto the second floor where all the bedrooms were located.

I'm a curious child so I peeked into one. It was huge like the rest of the house. The pale purple walls of the bedroom matched the paleness of the room. It was lightly filled with decor and was a cozy place.

Suddenly Mandy interrupted my thoughts, "Lauren that's your room." she said pointing to the room I was peeking in.

So I stepped inside. If I thought it was pretty from the outside well it was gorgeous in the inside. Their was a comfy king sized bed, a spa known as a "washroom" and a what you call a walk-in closet which was more like a live-in closet.

My luck a couple days ago I was a downtown street girl and now I was with the hottest boy band of today. My thought were interrupted as I heard a door bell then a huddle of footsteps. I ran down the stairs and threw myself into Zayn's arms.

"Zayn you're here!" I smiled. He seemed a little startled by my sudden hug it was then I heard the giggles of my band mates all around me. I let go of Zayn my cheeks turning the colour of tomato's.

"Aww Lau." cooed Ally.

"Shut up Ally!" I was trying to sound mad but it wasn't going very well it sounded more like I was happy.

"Aww Lau Lau has a crush." said Camila from behind and I saw Ally shoot a glare at her.

"Don't ever call me that again and I DO NOT!" I said defensively back at her. Luckily Mandy came to my rescue.

"Okay One Direction let me show you to your rooms." I felt Zayn brush past me as he shot me a wink I couldn't help but blush what was going on with me.

"Lauren's in LOVE!" Ally sang.

"Shut up!" I yelled back at her as soon as one direction was out of sight.

"Guys" Normani said as she wrapped a protective arm around me. It was good to have some more serious friends, "Leave poor Lauren alone." She said as she started to guide me up the stairs.

"I agree." said Dinah and her arm was now on my other side as she led me up.

"Thanks guys." I whispered as we were up the stairs.

"Oh no" said Dinah, "YOU are letting us in on all the deets."

"But guys." I whined.

"What she said girl!" Normani demanded. Okay I take back my compliment about having GOOD friends.


Zayn's POV

Mandy had already shown us our rooms. I was just about to unpack my stuff when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Secretly I hoped it was Lauren I had been meaning to talk to her.

"Hi Zaynie." said Harry as he made himself comfortable on my bed.

"Eww How did you think up that name?" I said disgusted by "Zaynie".

"Aww does little Zaynie have a crush." He said whilst he ruffled my hair playfully. Okay that was enough MY HAIR and ZAYNIE.

"Oh no you don't Harry! Do not touch my HAIR or call me that STUPID name or else I will let Camila know about your little--" I was cut midway as I saw my door open, it was Lauren.

"Lauren." I said a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Oh sorry Zayn I didn't know you were busy." She said eyeing Harry.

"Oh no I am not Harry here was just leaving. Right Harry?" I shot a glare at him commanding him with my eyes to leave.

"Actually I am quite comfortable here maybe you can leave?" He said a full fledged smirk on his face typical Harry.

"Harry leave or else I will tell Camila-"

"Woah there" He stopped me, "I am leaving." and he rushed out before I could say anything more.

"Sorry about that Lauren. Harry is just well Harry! Sit down!" I said turning over to unpack my stuff but I didn't here anything.

"Um Lauren." I turned around she wasn't their at the door anymore maybe she left whilst I was talking to Harry.


**Dinner Time** Niall's POV

"Okay everyone I hope you liked this little house I picked for you." Mandy said her long blonde hair in a fish braid. Woah! This house was no where near little I thought to myself.

We were all sitting on long dining table sort of like the medieval types. I was beside Zayn on my right and Normani on my left. Normani was sitting with Dinah who was beside Ally. Ally had taken an unusual interest in Louis so he sat beside her. Mandy was on the top of the table and she sat beside him. Camila was on Mandy's other end whereas Harry an unusually happy Harry sat beside her. Liam was on Harry's other end and Lauren sat beside him with Zayn on her left. That's pretty much how our circular table fitted eleven.

The food was yet to be laid out so I waited as patiently as I possibly could wait for food. A couple of chefs came in laying some appetizers, it was bread and cheese. Seriously bread and cheese I took the first slide and wiped on as much cheese as I could get. It took a whilst for everyone to finish. Finally the main meal arrived on the table and may I say it looked delicious.

I wasn't really talking to anyone since I was chewing in as much food as I could get my stomach didn't fill up as easily but I could still hear murmurs of Zayn and Lauren flirting together or was that Liam. WAIT!! LIAM LIKED LAUREN! I turned around but Lauren wasn't sitting on the table anymore maybe she got up to go to the washroom? I shrugged and turned to Zayn but he wasn't paying attention neither was Liam instead both of them got up at the same time and left somewhere. I would've looked but they just served dessert and as usual I got the first lick at the apple crumble.

A/N: Sorry for the late update but I don't have my laptop with me so I have to use a loan one. So their may not be too many updates for a month. Sorry guys I will try my best though and since schools starting well yeah you get the point. Anyways in the comments please tell me how you liked it and I want to tell me which would be your favorite pair listing people of fifth harmony with one of one direction. Okay thanks for the 1000+ reads and keep voting ;)

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