Chapter 20: Skyfall (yes, I did just watch the movie)

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The picture to the right shows a room of mirror's similair to where Liam would be captured. My 6th or so commented dedication. So, don't forget to keep commenting bc trust me your input matters the most. 


Lauren's POV

I collided into that very large something.

"Ooof!" I yelled out and tumbled onto the floor. My arms flailed around trying to grasp for support. I grabbed onto the something and I heard a yelp.

 "W-who is that?" I heard a stuttering voice call out. 

"Lau-ren." I said somehow responding to the unknown voice. 

"Lauren! Omigosh is that really you?" I heard the voice squeal giving me the hint that it was female. 

"Um yeah. I kinda know who I am?" I said sarcastically.

"Omigosh Lauren that really is you. Louis! Louis! I found her." I heard the female voice yell out and a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Ooof! Who are you?" I said nervously afraid that it was a rapist.

"It's me Ally silly. Louis! Louis! Over here." I heard Ally? call out.

"Ally? Is that really?" My eyes searched the dark for Zayn and my vision cleared up when a lantern was thrusted my way.

"Lauren, did you escape? How were you kidnapped?" I heard a voice which I recognized as Louis.

"Louis? Ally? What are you talking about I was never kidnapped?" They bombarded me with constant questions.

"Is Zayn with you? Where is he? Are you two okay?" Ally blurted out between breaths.

"Take a breath will ya' Ally!" I said to her grabbing her shoulders so that her constant shaking wouldn't result in her falling down on her butt.

I saw Ally catch a nervous glance at Louis and with those brown eyes of his he comforted her. He wrapped her into a bear hug and she melted right in.

"I was so worried about you." said Ally out of the blue.

"Me or him?" I joked pointing to how she was melted into his arms.

"You duh!" I couldn't see Ally very well but I knew she had probably let go of Louis and turned tomato red.

"Wait a minute," I squealed jumping up and down (hey I was still a fan girl), "are you two together?" I clapped my hands playfully and watched them both go red. 

"Yeah." I heard a voice mumble but I couldn't distinguish it from Louis or Ally.

"Did-" I was interrupted suddenly when a hand clamped over my mouth.

"Merrrererer." My voice came out.

"Stay back you two I have a gun." I recognized the voice as Zayn's.

"Znmmmff." I mumbled with the hand still clamped on my mouth. How the hell did he have a gun?

"Zayn it's Louis."

"Prove it!" Said Zayn with authority in his face I had never heard before. The hand got tighter and tighter and I swear tomorrow I would have an ugly bruise all over his face. I closed my eyes trying to bear the pain. I heard some shuffling and movement and thought perhaps Louis was showing Zayn something.

"Oh okay." I heard Zayn reply and the hand was thankfully off my face.

"That's going to bruise I mumbled." 

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