Chapter 11

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It was Harry.

What was Harry doing in my room?

"Can I come in?" He said in a murmur and most important of all why was he so quiet.

"Um sure Harry what's up?" I asked confused. He didn't answer me instead sat on the edge of my bed as I sat up.

"What do you think of me?" He asked his eyes boring into the door of my room.

"Well um-" Your nice, hot and I really like you duh! But I didn't say any of that because it bit into my sentence.

"We're friends right?" His eyebrows raised and I saw his cute dimples. What was I doing?

"Yeah!" I said looking down; just friends.

"Then will you help me?" He asked hopefully.

"With what?" I asked just as the door opened. Zayn was standing their hand in hand with Lauren.

"Song writing guys!" Zayn said.

"Now!" commanded Lauren as she shot me a smile and ran down with Zayn. I'd never seen Lauren so happy before she was usually she was the serious one.

"Well, I have to go to Louis I'll see you later!" I winked at Harry playfully and ran out.

"Yeah Louis!" Did I just imagine a flash of hurt?

I ran down the stairs and saw Louis waiting for me.

"We have made absolutely no progress on the song." He whined.

"Suck it up Louis and at least contribute.

"Are you asking me to contribute?" He asked annoyed.

"Obviously you just sit there and order sometimes make some lyrics." I said in a matter-of-factly tone.

He shot me a glare, "Maybe when you'll have a voice you'll know." He said defensively.

"Excuse me Louis Tomilson I'll have you know I S-I-N-G   B-E-T-T-E-R   T-H-A-N  Y-O-U!"

"Yeah right Ally Brooke!" He said lifting his arms up and walking away.

"Mr.Tomilson we'll see who rights that song first?" I yelled.

"Is that a challenge?" He said shouting back at me.

"BRING IT ON TOMILSON!" I shouted at him my face red with anger also his. I spun around and marched away without looking back; Oh it was so onn!


Harry's POV

I was so nervous when I walked into Ally's room. I knew I liked Ally and I was planning on asking Ally for advice but Zayn and Lauren interrupted us telling us to start the song making process. I was a little annoyed by Ally left just as soon as I came. I walked out surprised to hear yelling. I watched Ally from the top of the stairs yelling at That was the biggest argument that had gone  on here so far. I winced as I heard them challenge each other.

"What was going on?" I said my thoughts aloud and shook my head. Working with Fifth Harmony was supposed to be a work experience not a fight for who was better.

"Harry!" Camila jumped in tugging my shirt playfully.

"Hi Camila!" I said looking into her gorgeous eyes.

"Let's go song making." She said excitedly. I walked down the stairs Camila beside me. Little did we know that their was a lot of yelling downstairs.

"So you're saying Fifth Harmony can't sing!" yelled a female voice. I looked down to see it was Ally. I looked beside me Camila's face had changed to horror.

"What's going on?" she asked worriedly.

"I dunno but we have to stop it." I ran in and yelled. "WHAT'S GOING ON?"

"Step out of this Styles!" said Ally pushing me down to the floor. I got up.

"What's wrong with you Ally? You're such a nice girl." I said worriedly. I saw Camila grab hold of Ally as she tried to hold her down.

"Let go of me!" She yelled then shoved Louis into the sofa.

"Let go of me Brooke." I heard Louis yell. My vision blackened as I heard a thud.

 Vote #Hally or #Camarry in the comments! And please vomment. Btw I may update this chapter so this is just a preview.

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