Chapter 22: Niall's POV

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Niall's kidnapper in the picture, played by Chloe Moretz. Dedicated to the above because of her comment. Don't forget to keep commenting to get dedicated.


Niall's POV

My vision was blurry and I blinked seeing dots all around me. My back was on a hard surface and my wrist was aching in pain. 

"Where am I?" I mumbled lamely. As expected their wasn't any answer. I rubbed my tired eyes with the back of my hand. My legs were stretched in front of me and I shook them but they were numb. 

It took a while but my vision cleared up, I took in my surroundings. It was sunny all around me and I could see the light reflecting everywhere. I was lying on a hard bed and there was a night table with a lamp beside me. A small window in the corner was covered in flower curtains. The room I was in was decorated with simple home interior. 

"Hello?" I called out weakly. I heard a squeal before I saw a girl about fifteen years old run into the room I was in.

"OMIGGOOOOSSHHHHH NIAAALLLLL HORRRANNN IS IN MY ROOOOOOOM!" She squealed while jumping up and down. I think she might have screeched some more but I couldn't hear after that. Her high pitched voice was really annoying.

I grabbed for my ears trying to cover the disgusting noise but it didn't go away. A few more screeches and the annoying teenage hormone girl was beside me, stroking my face. 

"Niall Horan of One DIrection." She started in a normal voice, "IS IN MY ROOM!" She screeched the last part and I swear my ear drums burst right there and then. 

"Can you control your hormones please?" I begged her. My head was hurting and throbbing with all her screeching. 

"Um", she laughed nervously, "Okay I'll only do normal screeching now!" She said with a cheeky smile.

"That wasn't normal?" I groaned.

"Nope!" She popped the P and sat down on my bed. Her fingers started stroking my face making me awkward.

"Um...what are you doing?" I asked her nervously.

"Stroking your face. I hope you don't find it awkward." She told me.

"Too late for that." I mumbled. 

"What did you say?" She asked overly eager.

"Nothing." I groaned and felt my eyes close shut. 

A/N: Short Niall's POV because I promised you guys. I 'll try to write more soon or tonight. So, as usual VOMMENT! Now, tell me an actress and a name you want to play my new girl character. Thanks guys for the 17, 200+ reads it really means a lot. 

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