Chapter 30

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Louis POV

After driving out for about an hour or two I spotted a large silver building on the side of the road. It's appearance was startling almost as if it were out of place. I parked on the side of the road as the rest of us scrambled out of the car running towards the building. 

I heard a scream as we got towards the door. I reached towards the knob but was suddenly pulled back by Ally.

"This place must have security." She said cautiously and I nodded. She was right perhaps this place could blow up with one touch. 

Lauren's POV

I saw a coloured house approach as we drove in some rural area. 

"Stop there." Zayn said tightly. 

I pulled over the car. I shut the engine off as well filed out of the car. Harry and Zayn walked on either side of my as we ran to the house. The doors were locked. I sighed taking a pin from my hair and picking the lock a skill I had been perfecting since I was little. Normani looked amazed and gave me a high five.

We walked cautiously into the house our senses awake and aware. I listened for any noises or anybody in the house. Finding a door I kicked it open with my foot and found Camila and Niall strapped to beds. We all gasped inadibly as I rushed to untie Camilla. The most surprising part was that they were holding hands. What had gone on here? 

Once the two were untied and their mouths were free I heard footsteps. I spun around synchronized with the others to see a tall bony looking teenager holding a gun. A freaking gun! Was she really PMSing that much?

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want to disturb her hormones.

"Do I seriously not look that familiar?" She smirked as I started to recognize her. Even drugged Camila and Niall knew who she was.

Her face had the same pointy nose, sharp blue eyes and stubby knees as Mandy did. She was obviously related to Mandy and guessing by her age she must've been her daughter. 

"But Mandy." I stuttered.

Normani sighed as if knowing this were too happen. The rest of us still looked in shock. I guess the games were just beginning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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