Chapter 13: LIAM?!?!

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Hey guys so I am really sick I may have the flu dunno but my throat is on fire. I was not going to update today because I don't feel well and I was working on technology but anyways I am I guess and for those of you who are freaking out about Liam *coughcough* @gottabskatin14  don't otherwise I'll kick Niall out. No I won't.


Liam's POV

"And Liam you are off of One Direction." Mandy stated emotionless.

"What you can't do that! Just because-just because I made a mistake." I blurted out.

"Yes Liam you did make a mistake! You made a mistake of not going to Lauren before Zayn." She stated bluntly.

"WHAT?!?" I gasped in shock.

"Oh come on Liam you aint' foolin' anyone. I know you like Lauren then why didn't you ask her out before Zayn. On the table when she sat with Zayn you sat beside her. I saw all the ways you look at her even today. Doesn't it hurt a little to see your girl with your best friend." She said walking over to me with slight pain on her face. She emphasized on the your's and I sat down on the bed.

I grunted, "Mandy she's not my girl and never will be. Zayn IS MY best friend and I wouldn't hurt a hair on his head." I said staring at the ground. I didn't like Lauren did I?

"I know nobody would hurt a precious hair on that head!" She said scoffing with a cute giggle. "But Liam DO YOU like Lauren?" She said as possible loud as she could so that EVERYONE IN THE EFFIN WORLD COULD HEAR!

"Mandy" I said in a whisper, "YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL I'M RIGHT HERE!" I yelled at her face. She blushed a little.

"Sorry..." She said weakly breaking eye contact. "So about Lauren?"

"Mandy" I said waiting patiently for her to face me, "GET OUT!" She flipped her hair and walked out with her clickity-click heels. She gave me a smile with her eyes shut and I could still hear her with my door closed. Why did she think I liked Lauren? I didn't. Did I?

Ally's POV

I heard the heels of Mandy. I was in BIG trouble!

"ALLY!" I heard a yell. I got up to open the door but it was already open.

"Ally what is going on with you? Are you PMSing?"

"What!" I gasped. "Nooo."

"Are you on your period?" She asked glaring at me.

"Well... Don't you think that's a little personal?" I said playfully trying to lighten the mood.

"No. Now answer the damn question!!" She yelled in my face. We were barely 5 inches apart I could've kissed her if I wanted to.

"I'm not on my period Mandy!" I said bluntly, turning away so I couldn't face her.

"Then why you so bitchy?" She said. I guess this girl hadn't heard of sugar coating words.

"I see you haven't heard of sugar coating words." I said with a sly smile.

"No. What's that?" Was this lady serious? AND SHE was held in charge for US.

"Nevermind." I stared at the floor. I knew the big question was coming it was just a matter of when.

"So, what turned you on?" She said.

"You mean as in angry..." I said dumbly.

"Is their another type?"

"Well-" She cut me off.

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