Chapter 28: Love You More Than This

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Lauren's POV

Okay! I was sh*tting bricks. I don't even know why I was this scared to tell them. It's not like I like them right? This Zayn/Harry drama was too much for me to take anyways. Sometimes Zayn wanted me sometimes Harry did. The drama was causing me to break out, gross!

I walked slowly up to Zayn and Harry who were still both wearing shocked faces at the doors. 

"Lauren is everything okay?" Harry asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off politely not finding the hand welcoming. I saw Harry's face hurt and I felt a knot twist in my stomach. Targeting my eyes towards Zayn and often darting them to see whether or not Harry was looking I started.

"Um...guys I want you to hear me out."

"Spill." Zayn replied almost immediately and emotionless. 

I stared a little shocked at his reaction but continued anyways.

"Guys as much as I adore you as friends. I think-I think." I stuttered nervously forcing myself to continue the sentence but I couldn't. I turned away avoiding their eyes and looked down at my feet. 

"I think we're better off as all just friends." I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and reluctantly met their eyes.

"Guys?" I asked impatiently waiting for their reaction. 

None of them said a word only giving me a face that looked as if I had told them I ate their horse, which I did not. I swallowed deeply taking in each moment of this conversation. Before willing myself to talk to them again. I met Zayn's eyes again, which were more blank than expected, almost as if he didn't care. Wow nice job ex!

"That's okay." Zayn shrugged avoiding me at the eye.

He tried to walk past me as if it didn't hurt but I knew how it felt to be stabbed in the heart, I dated Keaton after all. I held out my arm to stop him but he was stronger and pushed against me. I almost fell myself topple to the floor remembering the day when Zayn became unconscious when he fell. All those memories reminded me why I liked him in the first place and I felt a tear leak out. If heart breaks hurt then so, did breaking hearts. 

I looked up to see Harry whom I'd forgotten was still their. I saw his hand enclosed in a fist and he simply looked down at me since, he was taller. I swallowed slowly waiting for his reaction. 

"So..." I said impatiently.

"I respect your opinion and I hope it's for the best. I get it you want other guys fine by me." He walked away silently after what was said and I stared at him in shock. I'd never meant to hurt either of them but my pathetic-excuse of a speech broke both of their hearts. I was a jerk. 

Now that I'd just lost two very good friends I hiked over to my room. I might as well swallow myself in a hole of self-pity with a bowl of ice cream. I lay down on my stomach on my bed letting my make-up rub off into the pillow. Right now nothing mattered. I took a spoon scooping some of my favorite strawberry ice cream into my mouth. I was acting like I was heart broken when I was really the one who broke a heart. 


Louis POV

Ally was sitting in front of me. Her head in her hands, leaning on the arm of the sofa. She had been stressed all last night while, I was awake comforting her. The whole kidnapping incident had really gotten to us. I swear we were going to look fifty even though we’re only around nineteen-twenty.

I was going to go up and cuddle with Ally until I thought of an idea. The idea was small and vague but it just might work.

“Ally?” I called out, making sure she was okay.

“Hmm…” She mumbled but she didn’t lift her head.

“I think I have an idea to get the others back.” I said quietly so, that only she could hear me.

The is startled her and she woke abruptly cracking her neck. While rubbing it she answered, “What is it?”

"Call everyone down."

**Half an hour later**

Within another half hour whoever wasn't kidnapped yet was seated on the sofa. I was sitting on the love seat beside Ally while everyone else was gazing at me attentively. 

"So, I know I called all of you here as a team meeting." I looked around and saw a couple of nods. I let out a sigh, everyone was bummed about the incident still.

"Well, I think I have an idea because we can't all just sit here waiting around for the police to do something. It's our friends and we will fight to get them." I rose from my seat fist pumping the air. I felt the adrenaline rush in my body not being able to stop myself I continued.

"We're going to split up guys. One group finding Mandy and Liam while the other group will try and find Niall and Camila. If we all put in a little effort we can find them. It's go time!" I fist pumped the air again and instead of nods I saw more smiles and beaming faces. I gave a sly smile proud of my progress. 

"Okay so, I made the groups. Each group is responsible for each person. Guys we're going to do this." I nodded slowly reassuring some nervous faces. 

"First group is Lauren, Harry, Normani and Zayn. You all will find Camila and Niall." They looked around at each other. I caught a glance at Lauren's face, which was anxious and nervous. Harry had a grim look and Zayn was totally emotionless. Maybe I should've let them choose groups. 

"Second group is Dinah, Ally and I who will find Mandy and Liam. Go off in your groups because it's go time." 

I didn't know if the plan was good or if we would really be able to find them. But an effort was better than no effort.  I shrugged joining my group it was now or never.

A/N: Finally updated. Please VOMMENT and tell my in the comments for a dedi what should happen next and how should they find the kidnapped ones? 

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