Chapter 26: All Assemble

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Dedicated to the above because of her awesome comment. Don't forget to keep commenting to get dedicated. To see the coloured house picture click external link-->


Camila's POV

I stomped out of that stupid hospital. What did Harry think I was? Some chewed up boy toy. Well, I had enough of him and his stupid Lauren. If he didn't want me in the picture why the f*ck did he bring me in it? I angrily kicked a stone and marched all the way to my car? Wait, I didn't have a car I came here in that stupid truck. 

I squinted my eyes and saw a rent-a-car sign from far. Angrily I marched towards the shop.

"How may I help you?" Asked the person behind the desk. 

"I want a car. What do you think I'm here for, stupid?" I snapped. The man looked up from his newspaper.

"O-oh I'm sorry miss." He stuttered and I smirked.

"Right away." I hummed to myself as he got my car ready. 

"Thanks!" I said as he handed me the keys and I walked away after I paid the bill. 

The car that man had gotten me was a simple Honda. It was silver in colour with an odd smell. I stepped inside and put on my seat belt. I had stepped on the gas pedal, hard letting out all my anger from the assumed break up.

"If Harry thinks he can f*ck with me than, I can f*ck right back." I shouted. I turned on the radio so, that it was blaring. 

I didn't know where I was driving and I didn't care either. Don't you Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia blared on the radio. (--> Start playing song) All I could think of was how Harry had broken my heart in pieces by going with Lauren.

Tears of anger and hurt poured from my eyes. I wiped them away with the back of my hand as I continued driving on one of the barren roads. It was an empty road and I could see a couple of cows grazing from my window. At this moment I didn't even care to think about the speed limit and rushed on 100 km/h on a 50 km/h road. 

I felt around the seats for a water bottle for my parched throat. I guess all that crying did result in dehydration. I stepped on the brakes and felt around but I didn't find anything, of course I didn't it was a rental. I parked my car in the side of the empty road. I didn't even know where I was driving.

Angrily I got out with my keys and slammed the door shut. I remembered I had seen a farm. My eyes travelled north as I saw a coloured house in the distance. It was like a rainbow threw up on it. (--> look at picture to get an idea of how the house looked) I marched towards it not caring if my clothes or heels got dirty. 

As soon as I started walking I could help but the tears fall down harder than ever. I kept wiping them but I couldn't stop them and I hated how Harry made me feel. Breathing heavily, I approached the house and instead of knocking pushed on the door. Unexpectedly it opened and I stepped in. Let me tell you that the outside was nothing like the inside, it was normal. The inside of the rainbow coloured house was like a normal home with leather couches and home decor. 

"Hello?" I called out. My voice was hoarse and dry. My eyes found a kitchen and I stepped inside. I knew I as trespassing but I didn't care. 

I explored the area and found a glass. I filled it up with some water from the tap and took a nice long sip. It made me feel so much better. I decided to take a better look into this odd area. It had a bedroom and a narrow hallway leading to some bedrooms. I was a little tired. (Lol, this feels like Goldilocks) 

Cautiously I stepped and saw a half open door. I heard some light snoring from outside and stepped in on instinct. Strapped to a bed was a blond haired leprechaun, Niall Horan. 

"Niall!" I shrieked and I saw his eyes flutter open.

"What are you doing here?" I said while placing my hands on his cheeks. I inspected where he was by pulling the blanket in which he was wrapped in. His hands and legs were strapped to the bed painfully. 

"Niall, are you okay?" I saw his eyes open wide once he saw me.

"Ca-Camila?" He said not believing I was standing there.

"It's me Niall and I'm going to get you out of here." I said with determination. 

"She-she's coming." Niall said hoarsely. 

"Whose coming?" I said anxiously. Someone must've put Niall here.

"She." He murmured before falling into his bed in exhaustion. 

"Well, well..." I heard a female voice behind me. 

"Who are you?" I said in disgust. She was a teenager probably only sixteen years of age. She had blond hair but a maniacal face if she was capable of kidnapping Niall Horan. 

"Amanda. You may or may not know me unless, my mother mentioned me." She said with an evil smirk on her face. She was way to confident for a girl like herself.

"Did-did you kidnap Niall?" I asked lamely, of course she did why else was she here?

"Of course not." She said mockingly and before I knew it I too was strapped to a bed beside Niall's by her little servants. "I kidnapped Niall and Camila silly." She said with that same evil smirk. 

"What do you want from me?" I shrieked. The metal strips she had used to tie me to the bed were painful and cutting deep gashes into my skin. 

"What do I want Camila Cabello? Nothing at all." I swear right after she said that she did one of those evil laughs you only saw on T.V.

"Let. us. go!" I said as confidently as I could through the pain.

"Not," she paused, "yet." And did that stupid evil smirk face again. 

"This is not over." I yelled. I turned my head painfully to see Niall in that same drugged sleep. 

"Camila, I think it's time for you to go to bed to." I felt a shot of pain in my arm. Maybe I could take a little rest. Just before my eyes closed I heard the same evil laughter. 

A/N: Kind of short but then again I did update just yesterday. This book may be finishing soon, but I can't say when. I am hoping for another ten chapters until then. So, that hormonal teenager is not who you thought she was. Anyone finding connection? Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote. 

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