Chapter 19: From Friends to Couples

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Dedicated to the above because I absolutely loved her book Wattpad Love. I was addicted, trust me.


Camila's POV

"Harry," I sighed slightly. Why hadn't I seen this coming? I hated doing this to him. I saw his face droop and I knew if I didn't say anything soon I would break his heart. 

"Please." He whimpered slightly not direction his words to anyone and with that 

I ran into his arms. Harry Styles was the sweetest jerk I had ever met. (Check out a picture of the cute couple to the right -->)

"Hell yeah!" I whispered into his ears as my arms wrapped around his neck. My feet were flying in the air as he grabbed onto my waist and pulled me up slightly. Sorry for getting a little cheesy but it sure did feel good to call Harry mine, all mine. 

"I" He opened his mouth to speak but I rested my finger on his lips.

"Not now."

And with that I kissed him. His hands dropped from my back to my waist leaving tingles everywhere. Was it just me or was it getting hot in here? His tongue touched my lips begging for entrance and I couldn't help but give in. His tongue explored my mouth and by seconds the kiss grew with passion. Sooner or later I was going to need a breath but who wanted to stop? 

"PDA guys!" yelled a voice and Harry's arms dropped to his side. I felt cold now no longer feeling his warmth. I turned around to see who had rudely interrupted us, okay I was getting a little possessive here.

"Normani! Dinah what happened to your head?"

I shrieked in shock. Dinah was all bandaged up on her head. She looked weak and pale. She was balancing on Normani when she walked and limped. It must've taken her a lot of strength to get here, I thought to myself.  

Without hesitation I ran to Dinah. I saw Normani's face shred up in guilt.

"Normani did you-"

"She-she didn't I tripped."

Instantly I saw through Dinah's bad lie but decided not to press on the situation since they didn't tell me right away. Dinah took staccato breaths and I saw how it took all her strength just to say a few words. I guided her to the bed sitting her down to get some rest. 

"Guys we need to call the hospital!" I said right after.

"No." I heard Dinah and Normani say at the same time.

"Why?" I asked suddenly annoyed. 

"Um er-" Dinah hesitated. Probably thinking of another lie.

"Camila Harry. We need to tell you something very important."

She said. Sadness was written all over her eyes and she looked like she'd faint right there and then. I saw her wipe something on her eye and Dinah sat up a bit. 

"Mandy, Zayn and Lauren. They-they are all kidnapped." She said as her eyes were no longer looking at me but her shoes.

"WHAT!" I yelled and I saw Harry tense up almost in tears. He grabbed my waist softly and gave me a slight innocent hug. It was comforting but not good enough. 

"Louis and Ally should be looking for them." She said with slight hope. I looked sadly. We couldn't just sit idle could we?


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