Chapter 16: The Trade-Off

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A loud roar filled with anguish came from the crimson dragon and he reared up. But before he could get very far, the collar glowed with some sort of strange light and restricted his movements.

It looked like it hurt. A lot.

"Shinsou, get Sung-ho out of here. See if you can find the others, there should've been a hell of a lot more hybrids down there. Maybe Bakugou already got them out and—"

"And if he did, he would've sent them back to the Common Ground." Shinsou finished for you, nodding seriously as he hoisted Sung-ho onto his back so that he could carry him better. "Got it, we'll head back there and catch up with them. What are you going to do?"

Your frown deepened until the corners of your mouth were pulling back to reveal your sharp canines. Ready for revenge.

"I'm going to save him." You declared simply, arms tensing at your sides as your hands formed into fists for the first time.

You were going to fight back.

Shinsou wasn't sure how much you would be able to do that would change the tide but he wasn't going to stop you.

That was Bakugou's job from now on, he wasn't going to mess with you anymore. Even if you were an omega, you sure as hell were stubborn when it came to your new friends.

"Just don't be too reckless, alright?" Shinsou said as he patted Sung-ho on the head before readying his crutches for the trip back. "I'd like to live to see tomorrow."

Rolling your eyes, you managed a strained laugh, playing off the gravity of his words for the sake of the little boy.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Don't worry."

Oh, but there definitely was something to be worried about.

Bakugou and Shigaraki were standing off in the center of the crater but the Barbarian King couldn't get any closer due to that wretched thing he had put around Kirishima's neck.

Midoriya and Todoroki looked a little worse for wear but they were still standing. Shoji wasn't present, so he was either dead or missing. Sero was limping badly, standing on his own but Iida was hovering behind him, ready to catch him should his legs suddenly give out.

Out of those that you recognized in the sea of hybrids, Ashido was laying on her back a few lengths away from the rest of them and someone with black feathers was shielding her from sight with his wide wingspan.

Hagakure was frantically tending to her but she was bleeding from the head and wouldn't last much longer if she kept this up.

You made your decision.

Ashido's shocked cry and Hagakure's exclamation of surprise got smothered by the face-off that was going down between the League of Outcasts and the Eastern Alliance as you slid down the valley, landing right by their side with an accuracy that they would have applauded you for if the circumstances were different.

"Y/N!!" Hagakure's shocked whisper reached your ears and you nodded.

"What can I do to help?"

It only took her a minute to point out who needed medical attention and another one for you to process that you were going to be helping the people on both sides of the conflict.

Fully aware that you had no battle experience, Hagakure sent Tokoyami, the eagle as your entourage for protection. According to her, he had specialized abilities and his feathers could apparently take a lot of damage before they were broken off.

You briefly wished that you could fly. Then you could carry the people that you cared about to safety.

You knew the basics of first-aid. Enough to get by without Hagakure's help for now. It wasn't uncommon to get hurt during the rough treatment of clients that came to inspect Shigaraki's collection and you had your fair share of cuts and scrapes.

Vulnerability and Second Chances (Barbarian King!Bakugou x Omega!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now