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Mohawk Valley, 1753

     A cooing babe wiggled in the arms of the Clan Mother, my hands eagerly and anxiously holding to that of my lover, Otetiani – a member of the Kanien'kehá:ka tribe. "She will grow up to be important to the tribe." The Clan Mother spoke in the tongue of her and Otetiani's people – the Mohawk. Together Ani, what Otetiani insisted I call him for I could not pronounce his name properly, and I watched our daughter be accepted by the leader of his tribe. The product of a love between that of a native man and a colored woman. Foreigners to the Europeans.

     "What shall you name her - your daughter?" Ziio, who sat beside us and whose full name was Kaniehtí:io, asked in English as she too held her own child, a son she had chosen to name Ratonhnhaké:ton.

     Ratonhnhaké:ton was similar to our daughter in that he two came from mixed backgrounds. Ziio being Mohawk and his father an Englishman. A man by the name of Haytham Kenway. Ziio disclosed such information only to myself and her mother, the Clan Mother. Haytham though was not the man she believed him to be, thus leaving her child now fatherless, but no less loved.

     "You will soon find out." I smiled towards her as Ani let go of my hands and was handed our daughter, the Clan Mother now looking to the small gathering around us of the tribe's Elders.

     "It has been many seasons since we have welcomed two children born under the same moon." She began in their tongue, bringing to light once more that Ziio and I had both given birth within hours of one another the past evening. "I say this for this is surely a blessing from the Gods and our ancestors upon our people. I have not lived to hear of such news until now. May these two children bless us and our land." The soft chants and cheers attracted attention to the longhouse and at the entries the others of the tribe gathered to watch with curiosity – but my attention was drawn back to the thumping of walking sticks, decorated by various engravings and markings, pounding softly into the Earth.

     Ani stood and in his arms, our daughter. The whispers hushed and he was asked by the Clan Mother "What is the name you give to your child, Otetiani?"

     "We wish to name her Canada."

     Soft murmurs of wonder echoed amongst the Elders and the people outside the longhouse watching.

     "Ah, where the heavens touch." She vocally acknowledged before turning to her daughter, Ziio, and asking her the same question.

     Ziio stood as I did to stand beside Otetiani. "I have chosen to name him Ratonhnhaké:ton."

     With a smile and nod, the Clan Mother took her staff and gathered back everyone's attention. "My family, we shall welcome our newest member. Our daughter Kaniehtí:io has blessed us with her son, Ratonhnhaké:ton," A small chant echoed throughout the longhouse. "and our warrior, Otetiani, and his Mandisa, have blessed us with their daughter, the name that is of where the heavens touch. They have given us Canada."

     Chants and cheers began and Ani handed me our daughter, swaddled in her own blanket snug and sound in my arms. She looked up to me and cooed as she once did in the Clan Mother's arms. Curious eyes staring back to me. I knew that Canada would be very special, her and Ratonhnhaké:ton.

     "They will be inseparable." Ziio whispered softly as she looked down to both our children as Ratonhnhaké:ton and Canada looked around from us to each other.

     "Surely so." My heart was warm with love for my daughter. My blessing.

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