Chapter 15 ~ To Boston For Answers

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Davenport Homestead, 1773

"These are troubled times. The already uneasy alliance between the Crown and its subject frays. And behind them both, the Templar's plot, pulling strings and moving pieces." I watched with curious eyes as Connor spoke, rather mesmerized in his own mind by his words. "History dictates they seek order through control. But how will they affect it here? Who supports them? And what conspiracies have they already spun?"   

Sighing as he wiped the perspiring beads of sweat from his brow, he continued, my eyes wandering around the basement of the house we had come to call home, the main house of the Homestead. "All these things I must determine. For only by knowing my enemy can I hope to stop them."   

"You speak as if all these things, as if all we do only concern you and your motives. As if it is only your worry the world sees..." I murmured as he grunted, slicing his blade into the makeshift dummy we'd put together for practice. No doubts were his blades sharper than the rigid shark tooth around his neck strung through string. 

My words did not leave him unaffected however. He heard them and he did respond, casting a brief look of apology my way before attacking the poor makeshift dummy, praying I would not be in his place one day.

Lost in my thoughts I almost did not hear the raspy voice of Achilles calling for Connor's attention. "Spare a moment?"   

"Of course." Connor quickly replied. I flicked my wrists to test the quickness of the reaction in which my blades sprung before casting my gaze up to see Achilles holding a rope with some sort of knife tied to it: a rope dart. I'd almost forgotten Connor had not the chance yet to really practice as I had with the weapon I much preferred to use than a gun or bow.

I couldn't formulate what it was Achilles said in my head so I turned my focus back to the dummy, apologizing before I began practicing how to attack from behind. All seemed well until I heard the whirling from Connor twirling the rope dart until it flew into the wooden post beside Achilles. I laughed at this but quieted quickly when Achilles shot me a scolding look before looking back to Connor.

"Sorry..." Connor stated as he glanced towards a rather cautious Achilles.

"Hmmm. We'll have to work on this." Achilles replied with a small smile.

That's when the knock from upstairs came. My eyes shot up to Connor as did his to mine, Achilles looking around as well. I straightened myself out before going with them both upstairs to get the door.

Who we were met with was rather... unexpected.

Opening the front door, Connor and I were met by the sight of Kanen'tó:kon. A much older and much more mature Kanen'tó:kon.

"Kanen'tó:kon?" Connor and I murmured in unison.

"Yes my friends." He replied with a small yet weary smile.

"What brings you here?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame after Connor walked out onto the porch. "Is the village alright?"

     "For now." Kanen'tó:kon spoke solemnly, watching Connor.

     "What do you mean? What happened?" Fear surged through me as I saw concern come to Connor's face.

Kanen'tó:kon did not spare a moment to reply. "Men came, claiming we had to leave... they said that the land was being sold and that the Confederacy had consented. We sent an envoy, but they would not listen..."

"You must refuse!" Connor exclaimed as I stood up now, walking onto the porch beside them both.

That's when Kanen'tó:kon looked to me with a sense of distaste, looking me from head to toe. Connor noticed but from the corner of my eyes I saw him trying to control himself to take in all that we just heard. Kanen'tó:kon looked me dead in the eye then. "We cannot oppose the sachem. But you are right as well... we cannot give up our home."

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