Chapter 25 - After Pitcairn Part 1

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"... and for the support of the glorious cause. I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this distinguished testimony of their approbation. But, lest some unlucky event should happen, unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered, by every Gentleman in the room, that I, this day, declare with utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the Command I am honored with..."

The room was warm, a summer afternoon panning outside the windows of the hall many resided in to listen to a man, by the name George Washington, accept his appointment as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and such forces. The man to lead the young nation whose soil rest beneath our feet. My legs were crossed, my arms folded across my chest, as I sat at the end of a long table right along the aisle. To my left Connor and Adams sat. Connor seemed stiff. Listening but almost lost in thought as John leaned over to speak to the him quietly as Washington still spoke.

"Truly, there is no man better suited to the task." Adams spoke with quite a good amount of admiration for the man.

"Really," Another voice, much deeper, chimed in. "I can think of several."

Behind us the voice came, and Adams and I turned to acknowledge the man, but upon seeing the face I nudged Connor, who knew all too well that voice.

"Charles Lee." Connor acknowledged in a low voice. He stood from his seat and I hid my face for a moment, knowing he'd know who I was. Although, he knew not of Connor.

"Do I know you?" A rather annoyed Lee remarked, my eyes looking back to see the almost rugged man in a stance in his seat impatient as Connor towered over him.

I stood then, walking over to Connor's side and placing a hand on his upper arm. "I would not expect you to remember."

I gripped his arm just as John took him by the shoulders and pulled him from my grasp. "Come Connor - there's someone I want you to meet." Truly John struggled to pull away Connor as he strained against him, not enough to make a scene but enough to earn a smirk off the lips of Charles.

That's when his eyes darted towards me, slowly raking over me.

"I've seen you somewhere." His voice fell to a soft tone, standing now he did as he spoke, walking around the table he'd been sitting at slowly.

I merely nodded my head. "We have met." It was a simple reply.

"Pray tell, I have the vague memory of such, a face like yours hard to forget."

He stood right before me now, and my breathing was under control although my body wanted to protest. "I believe..." I began, but was interrupted as he grasped the blade at my arm on my right wrist.

Charles came close, and at the back of the room the only person who would have noticed anything would have been Washington as Adams and Connor never looked back towards where they'd left me. But here now he leaned in, his face close as he looked somewhere behind me and back. "Pray tell, we all know your name is not Elizabeth Collins as you so wished to have us know. Your little trick having left an almost unnoticeable mark, yet you... you're something special. What are you."

"I'm no more a living and breathing human like yourself, sir." I remarked, attempting to pull away my arm, but his hand only slipped up to the bared flesh of my upper arm, gripping it now.

"Don't play games with me woman. You're not a commoner... you're something else. You smell of the life and blood that is this forest around this place but hardly appear to be its child. Yet," he paused for a moment and his other hand grasped my wrist, turned it over to and gently brought my wrist back to elicit my blade to 'click' out of its holder. "you're an assassin."

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