Chapter 17 ~ The Boston Tea Party Part 2

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     By time we’d reached the docks, it was dark. The people who were meeting us here were already gathered at the other end of the docks waiting for all of this to start.

     “Dammit, more guards.” Sam mentioned, motioning ahead at the end of the docks. I squinted my eyes just barely to be able to see him since the moon was our only source of light.

     William walked around us and looked to Sam. “We need to turn the crowd’s anger to our advantage.”

     “Say the word Connor and I will make it so!” Stephane proclaimed, walking around as well so that we all saw him. We all looked to one another and Connor and I realized we needed to take out the guards to get anything done at all.

     “Connor, c’mon.” I whispered as I pulled him along to hide behind one of the many stacks of barrels and crates. Sam and William followed suit, hiding behind a row of barrels just a few feet from us. I breathed quietly as I glanced around the side of the barrels, kneeling on the ground. Stephane hurried off in the opposite direction and I bit my lip, knowing he could handle himself but unsure if he could handle going unseen by all the guards on the other side of the docks.

     Connor noticed me looking over to where Stephane ran off and nudged me to get my attention. “Hey, it will be fine.” As he spoke, he maneuvered me around so that he could glance towards the guards on our side of the dock without standing up.

     “I hope…” I mumbled before Sam whistled over to us.

     “What do you plan on doing Connor?” Sam asked as William glanced still ahead at the soldiers.

     I looked to Connor now, unsure of what we should do. There were easily six guards or more on each side of the docks. “Wait for my signal.” Connor abruptly said, hurrying off over the barrels and off to the shack at side of the docks before disappearing when he turned off the ledge, most likely trying to climb right above the water.

    “What signal?” William fussed. Instantly I shushed him before hearing the cry from one of the guards. I glanced again to find two of them being pulled into the water before Connor pulled himself up to ground, swinging his tomahawk into one of the charging guards.

     “That signal.” I replied, hurrying over to the fighting and tackling one of the men loading his musket. I slit his throat with my blade, feeling the scarlet essence on my hands before shielding myself with his body when I realized there was another guard who was also loading his own musket. A sudden and violent shudder came from the practically dead man I shielded myself with as he took the bullet as a whistle came from Connor, and before I could blink I noticed Stephane jumping down from the boat and driving his butcher knife into the back of the final guard. I had to cringe at the sound of bones breaking but shook it off.

     “That was lucky.” William mumbled when he and Sam hurried over once this side of the dock was cleared, little to no help of course.

     “Not luck but skill.” I retorted, wiping the blood from my hands and slipping my hood back onto my head while walking up onto the ship. They all followed close and when I noticed that the other guards hadn’t moved from the other dock, I looked back to Sam and William. “You two, start dumping the crates of tea. Stephane, Connor, and I will handle the other guards.”

     Both William and Sam nodded without another word and as they started gathering the crates, Connor told Stephane to go wait until he was signaled before he and I made our way onto the next ship. To try and make things quick upon realizing there were at least ten guards, Connor and I both quietly went up behind two guards and drove our blades into them without having to hear them make a sound.

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